Slovenska raziskovalka s prvo celovito monografijo o plitvih podzemeljskih habitatih / Slovenian Researcher Writes First Comprehensive Book on Shallow Subterranean Habitats
author: Tanja Pipan,
Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (ZRC SAZU)
published: Jan. 12, 2015, recorded: January 2015, views: 1602
published: Jan. 12, 2015, recorded: January 2015, views: 1602
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Slovenska krasoslovka dr. Tanja Pipan je junija letos pri britanski založbi Oxford University Press izdala monografijo o plitvih podzemeljskih habitatih. Publikacija je plod desetletja raziskav in prva, ki na celovit način obravnava plitve habitate, ki se za razliko od precej bolj preučevanega jamskega sveta skrivajo tik pod kraškim površjem. Povezava do članka na spletni strani STAkrog.
Slovenian karst researcher Tanja Pipan launched in June 2014 the first comprehensive overview of shallow subterranean habitats. The book was published by Oxford University Press and is the result of a decade of research and is the first comprehensive work on habitats located just below the surface. Link to the article on STAkrog website.
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