Anuška Ferligoj
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Anuška Ferligoj je redna profesorica za statistiko na Univerzi v Ljubljani in vodi doktorski program Statistika na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Ukvarja se z metodami multivariatne analize (še posebej metodami razvrščanja v skupine z omejitvami in večkriterijskim razvrščanjem v skupine), z analizo socialnih omrežij (še posebej s kvaliteto merjenja socialnih omrežij in z bločnimi modeli), z ocenjevanjem zanesljivosti in veljavnosti merjenja in uporabo statističnih metod v različnih znanstvenih disciplinah. Je urednica revije Metodološki zvezki in članica več uredniških odborov mednarodnih znanstvenih revij. Uredila je dvojno številko znanstvene revije Quality and Quantity (1989) in posebno številko revije Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (2011) ter več zbornikov referatov, predstavljenih na mednarodnih znanstvenih konferencah s področja statistike in metodologije, ki jih je organizirala. Objavlja v mednarodnih znanstvenih revijah (npr. Psychometrika, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Journal of Classification, Social Networks, Quality and Quantity). Najpomembnejša njena knjižna dela so: Razvrščanje v skupine (1989), Zanesljivost in veljavnost merjenja (1995) (s sod.), Statistični terminološki slovar (1994, 2001) (s sod.) in Generalized Blockmodeling (s sod., Cambridge University Press, 2005, za katero je prejela nagrado Harrison White Outstanding Book Award Sekcije za matematično sociologijo Ameriškega združenja za sociologijio). Prejela je več nagrad in priznanj, med njimi samostojno nagrado Sklada Borisa Kidriča (1990), Fulbrightovo nagrado v obliki štipendije (1990/1991), podeljen ji je bil naslov ambasadorka RS v znanosti (1997) in Simmelovo nagrado, ki jo podeljuje mednarodno združenje International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA)(2007). Je voljena članica Mednarodnega statističnega institute (ISI) in Evropske akademije za sociologijo (EAS). V letu 2010 je prejela Doctor et Professor Honoris Causa na Etvos Lorand univerzi (ELTE) v Budimpešti.

Anuška Ferligoj is Professor of statistics at the Faculty of Social Sciences at University of Ljubljana and head of the graduate program on Statistics at the University of Ljubljana. Her interests include multivariate analysis (constrained and multicriteria clustering), social networks (measurement quality and blockmodeling), assessing reliability and validity of measurement, and the use of advanced statistical methods in various scientific disciplines. She is editor of the journal Metodološki zvezki – Advances in Methodology and Statistics since 2004 and is a member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals. She also edited a special double issue of the journal Quality & Quantity (1989) and a special issue of the journal Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (2011). She edited several proceedings of papers presented at the international scientific conferences on statistics and methodology that she organized. She publishes in the international scientific journals (e.g., Psychometrika, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Journal of Classification, Social Networks, Quanlity & Quantity). Her most important books include: Razvrščanje v skupine (1989), Zanesljivost in veljavnost merjenja (1995) (et al.), Statistični terminološki slovar (1994, 2001) (et al.), and Generalized Blockmodeling (2005) (et al.) for which she obtained the Harrison White Outstanding Book Award 2007, given by the Mathematical Sociology Section at the American Sociological Association. She was a Fulbright scholar in 1990/91 and visiting professor at the University of Pittsburgh (1996) and at the University of Vienna (2009/10). She was awarded the title of Ambassador of Science of the Republic of Slovenia in 1997 and obtained the Simmel Award in 2007, given by the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA). She is elected member of the European Academy of Sociology and the International Statistical Institute. In 2010 she received Doctor et Professor Honoris Causa at Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE) in Budapest.


flag Unifying graduate statistic: a big umbrella for a small country
as author at  8th International Conference on Teaching Statistics 2010 - Ljubljana,
  promotional video
flag Social Science Methodology, Statistics and Informatics
as author at  PRO(MO)GRAM - predstavitveni filmi raziskovalnih programov / promotional videos of research programs,
invited talk
flag Creative Environment and Young Researchers Performance: The Keys to PhD Students Success
as author at  ECPR: Summer School in Methods and Techniques 2009 - Ljubljana,
  promotional video
flag Družboslovna metodologija, statistika in informatika
as author at  PRO(MO)GRAM - predstavitveni filmi raziskovalnih programov / promotional videos of research programs,
flag Overview of network analysis
as author at  5th International Multiconference on Information Society, Ljubljana 2002,
flag ‘Creative Environment and Young Researchers’ Performance: The Keys to PhD
as author at  ECPR: Summer School in Methods and Techniques 2009 - Ljubljana,
together with: Benoît Rihoux, Samo Kropivnik,
flag Monografije Slovencev v tujini | Monographs of Slovenes abroad
as interviewee at  Sadovi znanja - Izobraževalna TV oddaja | Gains of knowledge - educational TV series,
together with: Vladimir Batagelj (interviewee), Miha Kovač (interviewee), Primož Tomaž Sark (interviewer),
flag Naj programi v letu 2005 | Best research programs of 2005
as interviewee at  Sadovi znanja - Izobraževalna TV oddaja | Gains of knowledge - educational TV series,
together with: Franci Demšar (interviewee), Sašo Tomažič (interviewee), Primož Tomaž Sark (interviewer),