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BMVC 2012 - Surrey   

British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Surrey 2012

The British Machine Vision Conference is one of the major international conferences on computer vision and related areas. Organized by the British Machine Vision Association, the 23rd BMVC was held at the University of Surrey.

To find out more please visit the BMVC 2012 website.




Session 1: Tracking

Session 2: People and Pose

Session 3: Segmentation

Session 4: Retrieval

Session 5: Object Recognition

Session 6: Action Recognition

Session 7: Recognition and Face

Session 8: Registration and Image Processing

Reviews and comments:

Comment1 lmn, November 3, 2012 at 9:18 a.m.:

Will the "Visual Tracking in the 21st Century" talk be made public soon? Thanks.

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