Boštjan Šimunič
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Boštjan Šimunič je rojen v Novem mestu. Diplomiral je na UL Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko, magistriral in doktoriral pa na UL Fakulteti za elektrotehniko. Kasneje se je zaposlil na UP ZRS Inštitutu za kineziološke raziskave. Predava na Pedagoški fakulteti in Fakulteti za ergonomske in kineziološke študije (v ustanavljanju). Je tudi mentor mladim raziskovalcem ter številnim zaključnim nalogam. Kot vodja oz. sodelavec je sodeloval na številnih raziskovalnih projektih. Bil je tudi športnik olimpijec – atlet, še danes državni rekorder v troskoku. Za svoje delo je prejel številne nagrade (Prešernovo, Krkino – dva-krat, Sklada Roka Petroviča, UP ZRS Glasnik znanosti, UP Zlato plaketo).

Boštjan Šimunić, PhD, was born on 28 December, 1974, in Novo mesto, Slovenia. After finishing primary school at Dolenjske Toplice, he attended the Secondary School of Electrical Engineering of Novo mesto, and was granted the state’s scholarship for talented pupils. He continued his studies at the Ljubljana Faculty of Computer and Information Science (computer logic and systems), from which he graduated with honours in 1999. In 2001, he received his Master’s degree for his thesis The Analysis of The Variability of Skeletal Muscle Response to Electrical Stimulation written under tutorship of Prof. Dr. Vojko Valenčič (Faculty of Electrical Engineering). In 2003, he concluded his doctoral studies with the thesis Modelling of Longitudinal Shortening and Transverse Deformation of Skeletal Muscles to Electrical Stimulation (tutorship Prof. Dr. Vojko Valenčič). In the second year of his postgraduate studies, he started working as a junior researcher at the Laboratory for Biomedical Visualisation and Muscle Biomechanics. After receiving PhD, he was employed by the TMG-BMC Ltd, which deals with medical diagnostics and research on skeletal muscles.

In 2000, Boštjan Šimunić formed a database of results of tensiomiographic measurements. In that time he also collaborated in the Fifth EU Framework Programme, WebSET, by preparing the visualization of the muscle contraction. A year later, he conceived the hardware and software of a portable measurement device, and, in his Master’s thesis, established the parameters of variability of response to electrical stimulation, as well as set the standards of TMG measurements. During the last year, he researched characteristics of existing measurement methods of contractile properties of skeletal muscles, which is also a subject of his doctoral thesis. Proceeding from existing findings, the thesis points out the applicability of the tensiomiographic method, and analyses the similarities and differences between measurement results obtained with similar methods. The thesis also brings to an end the discussion on the validation of the TMG method, and stresses its importance to the study of activation patterns of skeletal muscles.

In 2000, Boštjan Šimunić was bestowed the Student Prešeren Award for his graduate thesis Measurement and Analysis of Biomechanical Properties of Skeletal Muscles. In 2001, he received the Krka Fund Award, as well as the Rok Petrovič Fund Award for special achievements in the fields of academic studies and sport. In 2003, he was given another Krka Fund Award after having presented the findings of his doctoral thesis at a symposium.


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as author at  Ugriznimo znanost - Izobraževalna TV oddaja,
together with: Miha Žorž (moderator), Igor B. Mekjavić, Rado Pišot, Petra Zupet, Stelios N. Kounalakis,
flag Neinvazivno merjenje sestave skeletne mišice
as author at  Družboslovne vede / Social sciences,
flag Inštitut za kineziološke raziskave
as author at  Dnevi doktorskih študentov: Konferenca o možnostih karierne poti mladih doktorjev znanosti v gospodarstvu, Ljubljana 2013,
flag Sedeti, delati in gibati se: je to možno? Razvoj in vrednotenje aktivnega delovnega mesta za pisarniške delavce
as author at  Odlični v znanosti 2017 - serija vsakoletnih dogodkov, ki jih organizira Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS (ARRS) / Excellent in Science 2017 - a series of yearly events organised by the Slovenian research Agency,