Sistemska biologija / Systems Biology

author: Špela Baebler, Oddelek za biotehnologijo in sistemsko biologijo, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo
produced by: Videofon d.o.o.
published: Aug. 25, 2010,   recorded: October 2007,   views: 2909

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Definicij sistemske biologije več, vsem pa je skupno, da gre za interdisciplinarni pristop, ki omogoča razumevanje dinamike procesov v bioloških sistemih, katerega končni cilj je razumevanje delovanja organizmov. Za razliko od t. i. »redukcionističnega« pristopa molekularne biologije, pri katerem poizkušamo izvedeti vse o eni molekuli, o enem genu ipd., gre pri sistemski biologiji za celostno povezovanje različnih nivojev informacij. V prispevku bomo poskušali predstaviti temeljne principe in metode, ki so del sistemske biologije, in navedli nekaj primerov uporabe rezultaov za reševanje trenutnih problemov človeštva.

There are several definitions of systems biology; however all are consistent in it being an interdisciplinary approach towards understanding of biological systems dynamics. The final aim is therefore understanding of how living organisms function. In the contrast to the reductionistic approach of molecular biology where our focus of analysis is one by one element, e.g. gene or protein, in systems biology information gathered on different levels is integrated and interpreted holistically. The article presents basic principles and methods applied in systems biology. Additionally, possible examples of systems biology solutions in every day applications will be discussed.

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