Kaj kontrolira dolžino življenja celic in človeškega življenja / What Controls the Length of the Life in Cells and Organism

author: Gregor Serša, Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana
produced by: Videofon d.o.o.
published: Aug. 25, 2010,   recorded: October 2007,   views: 3238

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Življenje celice je odvisno od genetskih dejavnikov in okolja, v katerem živi. Oboji vplivajo na DNA celice, jo neposredno poškodujejo ali pa povzročajo epigenetske spremembe, ki vodijo v celično senescenco. Taka celica doživi biokemične spremembe, ki povzročijo, da se preneha deliti. Biokemične spremembe zaradi staranja celic v organih vodijo v slabljenje in odmiranje organov in smrt organizma. Molekularne spremembe pri procesu staranja so podobne molekularnim spremembam pri nastanku raka. Zato sta staranje in rak tesno povezana procesa.

ll survival is dependent on genetic predisposition and extracellular environment. Both affect cell DNA, either causing mutations or epigenetic changes and lead into cell senescence. Senescent cells have biochemical changes and cease to replicate. All these changes lead into frailty of organs, their dysfunction and eventually to death. Molecular changes associated with aging are similar to changes associated with carcinogenesis or cancer progression. Therefore, cancer and aging go hand in hand.

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