Pomen biološkega znanja za splošno izobrazbo / The Importance of Biology in General Education

author: Barbara Vilhar, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
produced by: Videofon d.o.o.
published: Aug. 25, 2010,   recorded: October 2007,   views: 2339

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Ob velikem napredku biološke znanosti v zadnjih desetletjih postaja biološko znanje vse pomembnejše pri sprejemanju osebnih in družbenih odločitev (npr. v zvezi z genetskim inženiringom, varstvom narave in okolja ter trajnostnim razvojem). V Sloveniji svetovnim premikom na področju biologije ne sledimo dovolj hitro. V naši javnosti ima biologija kot znanost nizek ugled. Poročanje o bioloških vsebinah v medijih je pogosto strokovno neustrezno. Premalo pozornosti namenjamo nujnim spremembam v biološkem izobraževanju, saj na državni ravni nimamo ustreznega dolgoročnega načrta za uvajanje tovrstnih sprememb.

Biological sciences have developed rapidly during the last decades. This progress is associated with an increasing importance of biological knowledge for personal and social decision-making (e.g. in relation to genetic engineering, nature conservation, environmental protection, sustainable development). Slovenia lags behind these world trends. A recent Eurobarometer survey in all EU countries showed that Slovenia is characterised by the lowest proportion of citizens rating biology as scientific. The reporting on biological topics in our media is frequently incorrect and misleading. New approaches to biological education should be gradually introduced to our schools. However, these essential changes are not supported by long-term planning and adequate financial support on the national level.

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