Spoznavanje narave in družbe – SND / Cognition of nature and society

author: Drago Kos, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
produced by: Videofon d.o.o.
published: June 30, 2010,   recorded: October 2008,   views: 2440

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Razmerje med naravo in družbo je bilo vedno vznemirljivo, še posebej dramatičen pa je odnos družbe do žive narave in še posebej odnos do drugih živali. V modernih družbah se je uveljavila preprosta interpretacija, da je človek sicer naravno bitje, vendar tudi še nekaj »več«. Toda »novo krasno« stoletje biotehnologije obeta radikalne premike pri razjasnjevanju »nadvprašanja«, kaj je to »nekaj več«. Pojem narave izgublja diskriminatorni pomen, zato se radikalno spreminja uokvirjanje mnogih povezanih vprašanj. Korenitost napovedanih sprememb naravnost spodbuja interdisciplinarno komunikacijo med biologijo in sociologijo oz. vsemi drugimi družboslovnimi in humanističnimi strokami. Besedilo utemeljuje aktualnost vzpostavitve in poglobitve transdisciplinarne sociobiološke refleksije dogajanja v razmerju med družbo in naravo, ki verjetno še nikoli v zgodovini ni bilo tako aktualno, kot je na začetku enaindvajsetega stoletja.

Relation between society and nature was always exciting. Especially dramatic are social relations to living nature and in particularly to other animals. In modern societies the simple interpretation that humans are something more but only natural creatures was quite popular. But »new brave« biotechnological century is promising to produce radical shifts in exploring the »super question« what means »something more«. The concept of nature is losing its discriminatory meaning, and this causes radical changes in framing many connected topics. Predicted radical changes nevertheless encourage interdisciplinary communication between biology and sociology and every other social and humanistic discipline. The text supports establishing transdisciplinary sociobiological reflexion of the social natural relations which has probably never been as acute as at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

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