Odpadki v regulacijski povratni zanki ohranjanja ekološkega ravnovesja / Wastes in regulating feedback of conservation of ecological balance

author: Metka Kralj, Agency for Radioactive Waste Management
produced by: Videofon d.o.o.
published: June 30, 2010,   recorded: October 2008,   views: 2428

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Ekosistem kot povezan sistem biocenoze in biotopa obravnavamo kot celoto. Pri tem so po navadi v ospredju organizmi, med seboj povezani v prehranjevalne verige in splete. Čim večja je biodiverziteta, tem stabilnejši je ekosistem, zato pojmujemo onesnaževanje okolja, zaradi katerega se spremeni vrstna sestava v ekosistemu, kot tveganje za ekosistem in človeka. Onesnaževanje je lahko posledica kopičenja določenih snovi – odpadkov, ki se ne vključijo v prehranjevalne splete ampak spreminjajo biotop do te mere, da v njem prisotna biocenoza ne preživi. Onesnaževanje je lahko tudi posledica vnosa škodljivih snovi – nevarnih odpadkov, ki v prehranjevalne splete sicer vstopijo, vendar ob tem organizme spremenijo ali uničijo in s tem spreminjajo biocenozo. Ekonomski trendi v sodobni industrijski družbi stimulirajo potrošnjo dobrin in s tem tudi proizvodnjo odpadkov. Razvija se strokovno področje načrtnega ravnanja z odpadki, ki zmanjšuje njihove negativne učinke, vendar je javnost tudi do dobrih rešitev zaradi neozaveščenosti pogostokrat odklonilna.

Ecosystem is a unity of biotop and biocenosis. Usually we focus on organisms forming food chains and food webs. Because ecosystem stability increases with increasing biodiversity and because pollution influences species composition the pollution represents one of risks for ecosystems and humans. Pollution results from accumulation of certain material – waste that can not enter the food web but can change the biotop that biocenosis can not survive there. Pollution also results from presence of harmful material – hazardous waste, entering the food chain and affecting organisms and thus changing the biocenosis. Economical trends in modern industrial society stimulate the consumption of goods and consequently also the waste production. Technical aspects of waste management are becoming more and more important but they are often socially rejected because of lack of information.

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