1 gram na liter ali po potrebi tudi več / 1 gram per liter or more when needed

author: Marjan Rupnik, Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor
published: Nov. 22, 2010,   recorded: October 2010,   views: 4048


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Sladkorna bolezen je resen problem. Na svetu jo ima več sto milijonov ljudi in veliko število hišnih ljubljenčkov. Do sladkorne bolezni pride, ko telo nima več inzulina (tip 1) ali pa ga nima dovolj (tip 2). Eden najočitnejših znakov te bolezni je povišana raven sladkorja oziroma glukoze v krvni plazmi. Pomen inzulina pri uravnavanju glukoze v plazmi smo do neke mere spoznali že pred skoraj 100 leti. Vmes se je zgodilo še stoletje intenzivnih znanstvenih in drugih raziskav. Pa vendar zdravila proti sladkorni bolezni še vedno nimamo, povrhu pa imamo vsako leto več bolnikov s to boleznijo. Je torej možno, da je pri sladkornem bolniku narobe še kaj drugega, kot samo to, da mu inzulin ne uspe znižati sladkorja na fiziološki 1 gram na liter?

Diabetes mellitus is a serious problem. Worldwide, several hundred million people and many pets have this disease. Diabetes mellitus occurs when there is no insulin in the body (type 1) or there is not enough insulin (type 2). One of the major signs of the disease is increased blood plasma sugar, i.e. glucose levels. To some extent, the importance of insulin for regulation of plasma glucose has been known for almost 100 years. Despite this century of intensive scientific and other research activities, we still do not have the cure for diabetes mellitus and in addition, the number of diabetic patients continues to grow. Is it therefore possible that in patients with diabetes mellitus the problems lays somewhere beyond the inability of insulin to lower glucose back to physiological 1 gram per liter?

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