Perfektna prihodnost - nove in stare mitologije nadzora nad telesom, smrtjo in reprodukcijo / Future perfect - new and old mythologies of control of the body, death and reproduction

author: Renata Salecl, Inštitut za kriminologijo, Pravna fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
published: Nov. 22, 2010,   recorded: October 2010,   views: 2952

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Negotovost in nepredvidljivost sta vedno bila del medsebojnih človeških odnosov. Trudimo se uganiti namere drugih, predvideti, kaj bodo storili v prihodnosti, in celo najti načine, da bi drugi svoje vedenje spremenili. V preteklosti so razlage za to, kaj se dogaja v čleveškem umu, iskali predvsem v mitologiji, astrologiji in psihološki razlagi. Zdaj se zdi, da nove tehnologije ponujajo rešitve. Nevrologija in slikanje možganov ponujata možnosti za razumevanje, kako možgani dejansko delujejo, razlagajo mehanizme delovanja in ponujajo vrsto interpretacij. Genetika in druge biološke znanosti nam omogočajo inovativne načine preiskovanja telesne notranjosti in razvoja notranjih organov. Zdaj skušamo predvideti in najti načine, kako obvladovati prihodnost, s poudarkom na tistem, kar menimo, da je vtisnjeno v možgane ali v telesu.

Uncertainty and unpredictability have always been part of human interaction. We try to guess the intentions of others, to predict what they will do in the future, and even to find ways to change their behaviour. In the past myth, astrology, and psychological interpretation were the tools for trying to understand what was inside people’s minds. Now new technologies seem to offer solutions. Neuroscience and brain imaging open the possibility of understanding how the brain actually works, laying open its mechanisms for investigation and interpretation. Genetics and other biological sciences provide us with innovative ways of investigating the interiors of bodies and their destinies. We are searching for predictability, for ways to control the future, by focusing on what we believe is hard-wired into the brain, written into the body.

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