Posodabljanje učnih načrtov kot stalna praksa sodobnih šolskih sistemov / Modernizing Curricula in Terms of Permanent Practice of Contemporary Education Systems

author: Amalija Žakelj, Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo
published: Oct. 21, 2011,   recorded: October 2011,   views: 3297


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Razvoj kurikula, njegovo stalno spremljanje in posodabljanje je sestavni del šolskega sistema, saj izobraževanje izhaja iz družbenih potreb in se mora odzivati na usmeritve sodobne družbe, v kateri imajo velik pomen znanje in njegovi učinki. Izpeljana posodobitev učnih načrtov za osnovno šolo in gimnazijo v letu 2008 temelji na smernicah in načelih posodabljanja: aktualizacija ciljev in vsebin glede na razvoj znanosti; odgovornost in samoregulacija šole ter učitelja; fleksibilnost, odprtost in izbirnost učnega procesa; celostni pristop in interdisciplinarno povezovanje; učnociljni in procesno-razvojni pristop načrtovanja. Vse to narekuje potrebe po izobraževanju učiteljev. Program uvajanja posodobljenih učnih načrtov je usmerjen v posodobitev pouka po predmetnih področjih in poteka prek ESS projekta Posodobitev kurikularnega procesa na osnovnih šolah in gimnaziji (2010–2013) in vključuje tri glavna področja: izobraževanje in usposabljanje učiteljev, razvoj didaktičnih gradiv in spremljanje učinkov uvajanja. Temeljito se posodablja je tudi biološka stroka. Osrednja tema letošnjega posveta Biološka znanost in družba, ki ga leta 2011 organizira Zavod RS za šolstvo že peto leto zapored, je celostna obravnava procesov na vseh ravneh organizacije žive narave (od celice, organizma, populacije, ekosistemov do ekosfere) in je namenjen izobraževanju in seznanjanju učiteljev biologije, naravoslovnih in družboslovnih predmetov z novostmi v biologiji in družbenim vidikom uporabe biološkega znanja.

The development of curriculum, its constant changing and modernisation, is a constituent part of each school system since education is based on social needs and has to respond to the actual modern trends in the society where knowledge and its impact occupy an important place. The accomplished modernisation of the primary and grammar schools curricula in 2008 was based on the following guidelines and modernisation principles: actualisation of objectives and the contents in reference to the development of science; responsibility and self-regulation of schools and teachers; flexibility, openness and selectiveness of education process; holistic approach and inter-disciplinarian integration; education objective and process developmental approach to planning. All this requires further teacher training and education. The introductory programme for the renovated curricula aims at the modernisation of instruction along different subject areas and has been carried out through the ESS project called »Modernisation of Curricular Processes in Primary and Grammar Schools (2010–2013)«. It consists of three main areas: teachers’ education and training, development of didactic materials and monitoring the impact of their introduction. Also the biological expertise takes part in this through modernisation. The main topic of this year’s consultation meeting called »Biological Sciences and the Society« organised in 2011 by the National Education Institute for the fifth time in a row, is a holistic discussion about the processes at all layers of living nature’s organisation (from cell, organism, population, ecosystems to ecosphere) and its objective is to educate and to provide the acquaintance of Biology, Science and Social subjects teachers with the novelties in biology and with the social aspect of the implementation of biological knowledge.

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