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Naslednji val inovacij: Zapiranje snovnih poti, Ljubljana 2011
Zapiranje snovnih poti je v času iskanja izhoda iz krize vedno bolj pomembna tema. A prvi rezultati Opazovalnice za okoljske ...
Strateški posvet: Zapiranje snovnih poti - strateški izzivi in praktične izkušnje, Ljubljana 2011
Snovna učinkovitost in zapiranje snovnih poti postajata vedno bolj pomembni temi, ki narekujeta oblikovanje politik, tako na ravni EU, kot ...
International Workshop on Eco Design, Ljubljana 2011
Under today`s circumstances the pressure on environmental issues increases, while simultaneously we are facing the consequences of the economic and ...
C2CN - Cradle to Cradle Network
The C2C network brings together EU regions to share and capitalise on regional good practice in implementing C2C principles in relation to waste prevention and management, and do so by producing sustainable solutions, economic development opportunities and social well-being.
The C2CN is an INTERREG IVC project awarded with a fast track status. The Interregional Cooperation Programme INTERREG IVC, financed by the European Union’s Regional Development Fund, helps Regions of Europe work together to share experience and good practice in the areas of innovation, the knowledge economy, the environment and risk prevention. EUR 302 million is available for project funding but, more than that, a wealth of knowledge and potential solutions are also on hand for regional policy-makers.
During the two year time span of the project, meetings of experts, studies of the prospects of each of the four predefined thematic target areas and transfer workshops will ultimately result in the transformation of good practice into plans of action. Results from the project will also contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy of the European Commission given the priority (fast track status) the EC has given to this project including their active participation. We will become the ambassadors of the eco-effective heritage!
The C2C network will establish the following tactical and operational goals:
- Creating a European platform for gathering and disseminating knowledge on C2C;
- Drawing up plans of action, in which we demonstrate to the EU, its member states, regions and relevant organizations how C2C can be formulated and implemented regionally and how this procedure can produce sustainable solutions, economic growth opportunities (innovation) and social well-being;
- Establishing links with regional policy objectives, specifically with regional competitiveness and employment targets and with European territorial cooperation initiatives;
- Promoting regional stakeholder involvement.
The priorities (target areas) selected are:
- Industry (products, production processes & design and product service systems);
- Area-specific spatial development (including infrastructure, regional and industrial networking);
- Building design (architecture);
- Governance.
The project is designed into two phases. Phase 1 mainly focuses on the transferability of the already identified good practices within the selected priorities (target areas). Phase 2 addresses the development of regional actions plans, which are supported by both regional and joint activities. In the end, the project produces 10 regional action plans, a Good Practice Handbook and a Guide on Waste Management & C2C, which is also of great value for other parties concerned outside the partnership.