Project: EU Supported » CASyM - Coordinating Systems Medicine across Europe CASyM - Coordinating Systems Medicine across Europe

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CASyM - Coordinating Systems Medicine across Europe

The Coordinating Action Systems Medicine (CASyM) is a multidisciplinary European consortium that joined forces to develop an implementation strategy (road map) for Systems Medicine. The CASyM road map is driven by clinical needs: It aims to identify areas where a systems approach will address clinical questions and solve clinical problems.

Key components of this strategy are:

Engagement of all relevant stakeholders Development of multidisciplinary training concepts Assessment of methodological and technological challenges Strengthening innovation activities Professional dissemination concepts Analysis of instruments for the implementation of research programs Creating and shaping a sustainable European community of Systems Medicine

Mission statement

During the next four years, the CASyM consortium will assess the technological and methodological basis for a European Systems Medicine implementation (road map) and will assist the medical community in creating the foundation for a new prospective in medicine that will be personalized, predictive, preventive and participatory (4P medicine).