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Summer Student Lecture Program 2009   

CERN Summer Student Lecture Program 2009

The CERN Summer Student Program offers undergraduate students of physics, computing and engineering a unique opportunity to join in the day-to-day work of research teams participating in experiments at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. Beyond the outstanding first-class scientific value of their stay, the selected students will find working in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment an extremely enriching personal experience. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make valuable and long lasting contacts with other students and scientists from all over Europe.

In addition to the work in the experimental teams, Summer Students attend a series of lectures specially prepared for them. Several scientists from around the world share their knowledge about a wide range of topics in the fields of theoretical and experimental particle physics and computing. Visits to the accelerators and experimental areas are also part of the Program, as well as discussion sessions, workshops and a poster session. Students are required to prepare a short report on their work at CERN which should be submitted at the end of their stay. Students come for between 8 weeks (minimum stay) to 13 weeks (maximum stay) and the possible dates of stay are available here.

Detailed information on the summer student programme and activities can be found here.

Summer Student Lecture Programme 2009

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