Event: Conferences » Other » Cloud Assisted Services in Europe (CLASS) Conference, Bled 2012 Cloud Assisted Services in Europe (CLASS) Conference, Bled 2012

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CLASS Conference 2012 - Bled   

Cloud Assisted Services in Europe (CLASS) Conference, Bled 2012

Europe is investing huge amounts of money into research and technology development in the area of Cloud computing, where disproportional small amount of commercially viable technologies can be traced within European companies.

The CLASS Conference is THE conference about Cloud Assisted Services in Europe from the perspective of government, business, academics, technology and venture capital. Cloud computing is not a new concept but will be even bigger factor in ICT in the coming years than it is today.

The goal of the conference is to promote European innovation and brings together the relevant stakeholders, ranging from the researchers, European and national funding agencies, technology companies as well as private and public venture funds.

To find out more please visit the CLASS Conference 2012 homepage.




Importance of cloud computing for Europe

Industrial uptake on the Cloud

Importance of cloud computing for Europe Panel

Industrial uptake on the Cloud Panel

South-Eastern European Cloud Computing Institute - SEECCI

HPC in Region Panel & FOG Panel

1455 views, 35:16  
lockedflagFOG and HPC in Region PanelFOG and HPC in Region Panel
Alberto Cabellos, Mario Nemirovsky, et al. Alberto Cabellos, Mario Nemirovsky, Lutz Schubert, Stefano Cozzini, Andrej Lipej, Tomi Ilijaš, Dana Petcu

KC-CLASS and WoSS workshop

[syn]  2856 views, 19:42  
flagHybrid cloud monitoringHybrid cloud monitoring
Jernej Vičič, Janez Bostič Jernej Vičič, Janez Bostič

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