Uncovering Latent Structure in Valued Graphs: A Variational Approach
author: Mahendra Mariadassou,
UMR AgroParisTech/INRA 518, Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon
published: Dec. 14, 2007, recorded: October 2007, views: 2972
published: Dec. 14, 2007, recorded: October 2007, views: 2972
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As more and more network-structured datasets are available, the statistical analysis of valued graphs has become a common place. Looking for a latent structure is one of the many strategies used to better understand the behavior of a network. Several methods already exist for the binary case.We present a model-based strategy to uncover groups of nodes in valued graphs. This framework can be used for a wide span of parametric random graphs models. Variational tools allow us to achieve approximate maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of these models. We provide a simulation study showing that our estimation method performs well over a broad range of situations.
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