6th International Workshop on Semantic Business Process Management
Ontology-based semantics have shown, as documented in five previous iterations of the SBPM workshop, a high degree of automation in the management of the business process space of single enterprises and whole value chains. A key source of problems in the "pre-semantic" BPM domain is in the representational heterogeneities between the various perspectives and the various stages in the life-cycles of business processes. Typical examples are incompatible representations of the managerial vs. the IT perspective, or the gap between normative modeling for compliance purposes and process execution log data.
In this workshop, we want to bring together experts from the relevant communities and help reach agreement on a roadmap for SBPM research. We aim at bundling experiences and prototypes from the successful application of Semantic Web technology to BPM in various industries, like automotive, engineering, chemical and pharmaceutical, and services domains. Additionally we encourage visionary papers regarding the future of semantics for BPM.
Business process management is a completely different worldview, which is fundamentally different from the still more common and simpler functional management. What is the difference between them?
Business process management among professionals is a fairly specific term that refers to a certain list of activities.
For simplicity, we will assume that under the management of business processes in a company, we understand that:
The process is highlighted and described, therefore it is clear who does what and when.
Activity is measured - the effectiveness of actions can be measured.
The organization is continually working to make the process work as best it can. More info at https://fluix.io/help/business-proces...
After the system is implemented by integrators, you need to get used to the new work, test the system https://www.airslate.com/academy/docu... . Perhaps the result is not as you hoped, and maybe even exceeded all your expectations. If improvements are needed, the process begins again with a description of the problem and a goal statement.