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Forum40 na Kemijskem Inštitutu

Na Kemijskem Inštitutu smo marca 2016 začeli s sklopom predavanj imenovanim Forum40, na katerem se vsak mesec predstavi po en odsek. Namen foruma je druženje mladih, spoznavanje raziskovalnega dela ki se izvaja na Kemijskem inštitutu, predvsem pa pospeševanje medoddelčnega sodelovanja na inštitutu.

Mlajši raziskovalci v približno 40 minutah predstavijo svoje delo, sledi 20 minut vprašanj in razprave. Forum vodi dr. Petar Djinović iz odseka za okoljske vede in inženirstvo.

In March 2016, a series of lectures called Forum40 was initiated at the National Institute of Chemistry. Forum is an ideal place to meet your colleagues, get acquainted with the research performed in other departments and accelerate cooperation.

The lecturers have approximately 40 minutes to present their work, which is followed by 20 minutes of questions and discussion. Forum is led by Dr. Petar Djinović from the department of Environmental Sciences and engineering.


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