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ICE Conference 2010 - Lugano   

16th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising

The term Concurrent Enterprising is an amalgam which brings together the paradigms of Concurrent Engineering and Extended/Virtual Enterprising: The Concurrent Enterprise is a distributed, temporary alliance of independent, co-operating manufacturers, customers and suppliers using systematic approaches, methods and advanced technologies for increasing efficiency in the design and manufacturing of products and services by means of concurrency, parallelism, integration, standardization, team work and more for achieving common goals on global markets.

ICE 2010 will be of specific interest to:

  • Industrialists developing Innovative Business fields
  • Corporate Technology and Corporate Innovation responsible
  • Design, engineering and technical professionals and managers
  • New product design and development professionals and managers
  • Academics and researchers working in the domains of the Conference Topics
  • IT executives and knowledge officers
  • Business executives, key decision makers and new business developers
  • National, Regional economic development and innovation agencies

More about the conference at


COIN 1: “Web 2.0. Synergies between Social Networks and Corporate Business Dynamics and Requirements”

Abstract and objectives: The workshop will investigate current Web 2.0 applications and services to identify success criteria that can be applied in business environments. In addition, the workshop will collect proposals for the use of Web 2.0 services in corporate business environments based on recent research & experiences with relevant technologies and services, e.g. Wikis, Blogs, Social Bookmarking, Twitter, Cooperation Awareness, Collaboration Mining & mash-ups.

Target groups: – Industry Representatives with an interest and/or experiences in user-driven development, successful integration and sustainable deployment of Web 2.0 technologies in business environments, – Academic professionals & European Commission Policy Makers and – Multipliers with an interest and/or experiences regarding the needs and requirements for uptake and adoption of services and applications in specific contexts & domains.

Results expected: – Identification of success criteria of current Web 2.0 applications within professional contexts – Mapping of current success criteria onto cooperation services for the enterprise

COIN 2 "Suggestions and recommendations for Policy Makers to remove barriers and to facilitate the uptake of the EI/EC services"

Abstract and objectives: ICT is one of the strategic key issues of the Lisbon Strategy. It is widely acknowledged that ICTs accounts for half of the productivity growth in modern economies. Comparison with other economies shows that there is an opportunity for Europe to do even better. Furthermore, ICT (and in particular Enterprise Collaboration and Enterprise interoperability services) can be the integrating factor for putting European Industry, and primarily SMEs, in a position of participating as key players in the global business, of producing better products and of securing better jobs. As far as Enterprise Interoperability and Enterprise Collaboration services are concerned, a number of business and context barriers are still perceived, hampering their wide uptake throughout Europe. Barriers to the full adoption of EI/EC services can derive from insufficient maturity of the proposed solutions, from insufficient awareness of the intended targets with respect to the industrial and economic benefits and from the lack of a reference implementation mechanism. The workshop’s objective is to discuss and hopefully finalise suggestions and recommendations for Policy Makers to facilitate the uptake of EI/EC services. Inputs to the discussion to be held within this workshop are provided by the COIN project, on two different levels: – Technology, business and awareness barriers; – Implementation barriers.

Target groups: – European Commission Policy Makers, such as Representatives from the Unit C1: Lisbon strategy and i2010 (and its transition to Europe 2020 and relevant Digital Agenda), from the Directorate-General Information Society and Media, representatives from the DG INFSO, in charge of dealing and developing the CIP PSP Workprogramme and implementation guidelines, representatives from the DG REGIO, representatives from the DG Enterprise; – COIN Multipliers, organised in a focus group, in charge of representing the point of view of the industry, particularly SMEs, and the relevant needs and requirements for the wide uptake and adoption of EI/EC services and applications. Results expected: – Definition of the current status in the research and implementation of each specific barrier; – Identification of suggestions (including recommendations to Policy Makers) to overcome the gaps in the short, medium and long term.

COIN 3 "Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration in the Internet of Things: specification of requirements and identification of industrial scenarios"

Abstract and objectives: Internet of Things is an integrated part of Future Internet and is defined as a dynamic global network infrastructure with self configuring capabilities based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where physical and virtual “things” having identities, physical attributes, virtual personalities and using intelligent interfaces are seamlessly integrated into the information network. This definition was elaborated by a task force of experts working in the CERP IOT cluster, under the coordination of EC DG INFSO Unit D4. This definition implies an heterogeneity of entities (from sensor networks, to smart objects, to human beings), spaces (from the Real World, to the Digital World, to the Virtual World spaces), environments (from domestic indoor Ambient Intelligence homes, to automated industrial manufacturing cells, to outdoor Location-based Services for Leisure) which on the one side require to exchange data and mutually understand the information exchanged (interoperability) and on the other side need to be involved in distributed decisional and problem solving processes (collaboration). The COIN Integrated Project is developing innovative EI/EC services to be delivered on-demand under utility-oriented business models and platforms to EU industrial enterprises. In the same DG INFSO Unit D4, several projects, IP STREP and CSA, have been recently funded in FP7 call5 to implement the architecture and the technologies for the Internet of Things.

The aim of the workshop is twofold: o To identify in the current IoT projects some needs and opportunities for applying EI/EC services, e.g. requirements for interoperability among entities (things-people-services) and among worlds (real-digital-virtual), as well as requirements for setting-up and operating collaboration spaces and environments across-things for participative and distributed decision making; o To define industrial IoT-scenarios which could constitute valid test cases for EI/EC services and possibly be implemented in the near future as COIN additional pilots under the institute of the COIN Multipliers

Target groups: – IoT scientists, technologists and solution providers, to discuss the current state of play of the technology as well as the possible application domains and business benefits of such new technologies; – COIN Multipliers, organised in a focus group, in charge of representing the point of view of the industry, particularly SMEs, and the relevant needs and requirements for the wide uptake and adoption of EI/EC services and applications in the industrial IoT environments. Results expected: – Definition of a set of EI/EC requirements derived from the IoT reference architectures and enabling technologies; – Identification of some industrial scenarios for a beneficial adoption and take-up of EI/EC services in IoT environments.

COIN 4 "Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration in the Enlarged Europe Community: Business cases and requirements in EEU industrial scenarios"

Abstract and objectives: Enterprise Interoperability and Enterprise Collaboration in the EEU community. Enterprise Interoperability and Enterprise Collaboration are main ingredients to support collaboration between industrial and research organisations and to integrate them in the Enlarged European Union scenario. As a matter of fact, in COIN EI and EC services are essentially targeted to SMEs and research organisations, which are an essential part of the EEU economies, and can become the infrastructural backbone to integrate research and industrial networks within the single EEU countries as well as among the whole European Union. The objective of this event is to address and collect requirements on EI/EC services from an EEU perspective, to make sure that a wide uptake is ensured in the EEU and to appraise potential common barriers in the EEU which could hamper the exploitation potential and even the participation of EEU organisations in the overall European research arena in ICT sectors (starting from the EI and EC and adjacent domains). The workshop is chaired by Sergio Gusmeroli, currently project technical manager of the COIN Project. The aim of the workshop is twofold: o To identify in the current COIN-EEU project the classes of needs and opportunities for applying EI/EC services, e.g. requirements for interoperability within and among enterprises as well as requirements for setting-up and operating collaboration among enterprises in the context of Future Internet Enterprise Systems; o To further define industrial scenarios for valid test case purposes for applying EI/EC services and developing new classes of EI/EC services.

Target groups: – IoT scientists, technologists and solution providers, to discuss the current state of play of the technology as well as the possible application domains and business benefits of such new technologies; – COIN Multipliers, organised in a focus group, in charge of representing the point of view of the industry, particularly SMEs, and the relevant needs and requirements for the wide uptake and adoption of EI/EC services and applications in the industrial environments with a specific focus on the Enlarged Europe businesses. Results expected: – Definition of a set of EI/EC requirements and services for Enlarged Europe business needs; – Identification of industrial scenarios suitable for a beneficial adoption and take-up of EI/EC services in the Enlarged Europe Future Internet Enterprise.

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