First Workshop on Programming the Semantic Web
The Semantic Web is growing at an enormous pace. However, the development of semantic web software applications is not yet mainstream. Reasons for that include one (or more) of the following research issues: lack of integrated development environments (IDEs, such as Visual Studio and Eclipse), poor programming language support, lack of standard testbeds and/or benchmarks, inadequate training, and perhaps the need for curricula revision. Properly addressing these issues requires interdisciplinary skills, and the collaboration between academia and industry.
The First Workshop on Programming the Semantic Web invites submissions that explore the gap between today’s semantic web challenges, particularly the ones related to dealing with large amounts of data, with the lack of adequate tools. We are looking for contributions that discuss, promote and further advance the programming facet of the semantic web, including the development of new languages, extension of existing ones, and the inclusion of semantic enabled capabilities into existing IDEs.