Jun'ichi Tsujii
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Professor Junichi Tsujii is professor of Natural Language Processing in the Department of Computer Science, University of Tokyo. He is also scientific director of the National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM), and professor of Text Mining in the School of Computer Science University of Manchester. He has worked since 1973 in Natural Language Processing, Question Answering, Text Mining, and Machine Translation. He is project leader of specially promoted research on Advanced NLP and Text Mining, by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan (2006–2011); and co-investigator of several projects supported by BBSRC in the United Kingdom. He has given keynote speeches and invited talks at many conferences, including LREC (2004), IWSL (2004), SMBM (2005), ICSB (2006), BioCreative(2007), and IEEE-ASRU(2007). His recent research achievements include (1) deep semantic parsing based on feature forest model, (2) efficient search algorithms for statistical parsing, (3) improvement of estimator for maximum entropy model, and (4) construction of the gold standard corpus (GENIA) for Bio Text Mining. He has received a number of awards, including the IBM Science Award (1989), SEYMF Visiting Professorship (2000), Daiwa-Adrian Prize (2004), IBM Faculty Award (2005), and Achievement Award of Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence (2008). He was president of ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2006). He is a permanent member of ICCL (International Committee for Computational Linguistics, 1992–) and auditor of Research Organization of Information and Systems in Japan (2006–). He has authored more than 300 papers in journals, conferences, and books.


locked flag Turing Test
as author at  Alan Turing Centenary Conference Manchester, 2012,
together with: Sophia Ananiadou (moderator), Rodney A. Brooks, Steve Furber, Pat Hayes, Manuela M. Veloso, Garry Kasparov,