Morphology and Characteristics of the Advanced Electro-Ceramics

author: Yukio Sakabe, Murata Manufacturing Co.
published: Nov. 17, 2009,   recorded: October 2009,   views: 3658

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Remarkable progress of the electronics components enabled the tremendous development of the recent electronics devices. In particular, the electro-ceramics has played an important role in cooperate with IC in the circuits. The major subjects for the components have been functionality, miniaturization, volumetric efficiency, reliability, safety materials and lower price.

Several research works on morphology designing of the ceramics has been done to develop the new components with higher performance. The functionality of the electronics devices has been developed using specific morphologies of the ceramics such as bulk (3-Dimention), plate (2-D), fiber(1-D) and particle (0-D). Device designing has been remarkably progressed in cooperate with ceramic materials and process technologies.

Multilayer is a most popular technology to design the ceramics devices consist of dielectric, piezo-electric, magnetic, semiconductor and insulator ceramics. How we can prepare the thinner dielectric layer than 0.3mm is a most important work for the ceramic capacitor engineering. Miniaturized 3-D module circuits are realized by embedding the passive components into the multiplayer ceramic and polymer substrates.

Morphology control of the ceramic structure such as core-shell and arrangements of crystal axis has been developed to improve the electric performances. To enhance the piezoelectricity of the non-lead ferroelectric materials, textured grain orientation and ultra high magnetic field application are known as useful process methods.

Self-assembling of the nano-particles is a challenging technology to build-up the super lattice structure and tailoring the more functional materials and devices. Preparation and characterization of the ceramic nano particles are presented.

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