Probabilistic account for multi-view stereo
published: Feb. 25, 2007, recorded: May 2004, views: 3516
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This paper describes a method for dense depth reconstruction from wide-baseline images. In a wide-baseline setting an inherent difficulty which complicates the stereo correspondence problem is self-occlusion. Also, we have to consider the possibility that image pixels in different images, which are projections of the same point in the scene, will have different colour values due to non-Lambertian effects or discretization errors. We propose a Bayesian approach to tackle these problems. In this framework, the images are regarded as noisy measurements of an underlying 'true' image-function. Also, the image data is considered incomplete, in the sense that we do not know which pixels from a particular image are occluded in the other images. We describe an EM-algorithm, which iterates between estimating values for all hidden quantities, and optimising the current depth estimates. The algorithm has few free parameters, displays a stable convergence behaviour and generates accurate depth estimates.
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