Mahesan Niranjan
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Professor Mahesan Niranjan is Professor in the Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton. His research interests are in nonlinear and nonstationary signal processing and statistical pattern recognition. He is interested in a number of applications including speech processing, medical diagnostics, computational finance and computational biology.
lecture Modelling Genomic Data as author at EPSRC Winter School in Mathematics for Data Modelling, Sheffield 2008, 4802 views |
lecture Panel discussion – Future Challenges in Data Modelling as author at EPSRC Winter School in Mathematics for Data Modelling, Sheffield 2008, together with: George Irwin, Neil D. Lawrence, Andrew Blake, 4121 views |
lecture Greedy Feature Grouping for Optimal Discriminant Subspaces as author at Workshop on Subspace, Latent Structure and Feature Selection Techniques: Statistical and Optimisation Perspectives, Bohinj 2005, 3601 views |
lecture Least squares estimation of a transcription regulation model as author at Workshop on Probabilistic Modelling of Networks and Pathways, Sheffield 2007, 2975 views |