Marko Munih
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Marko Munih je profesor na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, UL. Prvotno se je raziskovalno ukvarjal s površinsko funkcionalno električno stimulacijo nog pri paraplegikih, vključujoč merjenja, vodenje, biomehaniko in električna vezja. Univerza v Ljubljani mu je podelila naslov doktor elektrotehniških znanosti leta 1993. Do leta 1995 je bil še asistent, raziskoval je na projektih NIDRR (US), države Avstrije, ARFT in BIOMED. V letih 1995 in 1996 je bil raziskovalec v Implanted Devices Group v okviru Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering at University College London ter Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK, na področju nepodprte stoje paraplegikov in na področju razvoja senzornega ojačevalnika. Od 1997 je bil najprej docent, zatem pa profesor na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, UL. V letih 1994-98 je tudi predaval vsebine Vodenja na fakulteti za promet in pomorstvo. 2004-6 je bil predstojnik Katedre za merilno in procesno tehniko, danes je predstojnik Laboratorija za robotiko na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, UL, vodi tudi programsko skupino Analiza in sinteza gibanja pri človeku in stroju.

V zadnjih 15 letih je bil njegov interes usmerjen v kontakt robota z okolico, kot tudi v načrtovanje in uporabo haptičnih vmesnikov v industriji ter rehabilitaciji v kombinaciji z navidezno resničnostjo. V industriji ima izkušnje robotskega raziglanja in robotov v gradbeništvu ter robotsko merilnih aplikacij, vključujoč lasersko tehnologijo za meritve razdalj in odklonov. Tesno sodeluje z proizvajalci robotov, kot tudi z več eminentnimi partnerji v EU. V zadnjih petih letih je bil vodja na UL v Sloveniji pri šestih EU raziskovalnih projektih. V zadnjih desetih letih je bil mentor pri 11 zaključenih doktorskih disertacijah in več od 60 diplomskih delih.

Kot avtor in soavtor je objavil preko 75 recenziranih originalnih znanstvenih člankov, skupno 400 bibliografskih enot ter šest univerzitetnih učbenikov. Dr. Marko Munih je prejemnik Zoisovega priznanja v 2002. S kolegi je prejel tudi 2010 EUROP/EURON Robotics Technology Transfer Award, tretje mesto. Je član IEEE, IFMBE, IFESS in IFAC. Sedaj predava dodiplomske predmete "Mikroračunalnik", "Biomedicinski tehniški sistemi", "Robotika I" ter podiplomski predmet “Izbrana poglavja iz robotike”.

Marko Munih is professor of robotics at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. His early research interests were focused in functional electrical stimulation of paraplegic lower extremities with surface electrode systems, including measurements, control, biomechanics and electrical circuits. He obtained D. Sc. Degree in electrical engineering from the University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia in 1993. Activities until 1995 included teaching assistance and research funded from NIDRR (US), state of Austria, RAFT and BIOMED projects. From 1995 to 1996, he was a Research Assistant with the Implanted Devices Group in the Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering at University College London and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK, where he did research on unsupported standing of paraplegics and development of sensory amplifier. From 1997 he was Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UL, Ljubljana, Slovenia, in between 1994-98 also giving courses on Automatic Control at Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport. Currently, he is Professor and Head of Laboratory of Robotics and was Head of Department for Measurements and Process Control at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at UL (2004-6). He is leading the research group for Analysis and synthesis of human and machine motion.

In the last 15 years is his interest focused on robot contact with environment, as well as construction and use of haptic interfaces in the fields of industry and rehabilitation engineering, in combination with VR. In the industrial field also research of specific robot applications in construction, robots for deburring and measurement tasks, covering laser technology for measurement of distance and deviation. Close is cooperation with robotic companies, as well as with a number of EU eminent partners. In the last five years, he was and still is principal investigator of six EU-RTD projects and cooperated in six other projects. In the last 10 years, he was the supervisor of 11 completed doctoral and more than 60 diploma theses.

As author or co-author he published more than 75 reviewed original scientific articles and 400 bibliography items in total with six university books. Dr. Marko Munih is recipient of the Zois award in 2002, given for outstanding scientific contributions by the Slovene Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Slovenia. With colleagues received also the 2010 EUROP/EURON Robotics Technology Transfer Award, 3rd prize. He is member of the IEEE, IFMBE, IFESS, and IFAC. Now is teaching undergraduate courses "Microprocessor systems", "Biomedical Engineering Systems" and "Robotics I" and graduate course “Selected Topics in Robotics”.


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