Matjaž Ambrožič
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Doc. dr. Matjaž Ambrožič (*1967) je po zaključeni družboslovno-jezikovni gimnaziji in odsluženi vojaščini leta 1987 začel s študijem teologije na ljubljanski Teološki fakulteti. V duhovnika je bil posvečen leta 1993. Najprej je deloval kot kaplan v Kočevju (1993–1996) in v Novem mestu – Šmihelu (1996–1996). Jeseni 1997 je odšel v Rim na Papeško univerzo Gregoriana, kjer je na Fakulteti za zgodovino Cerkve opravil podiplomski študij in leta 2002 doktoriral. Nato je bil duhovni pomočnik na Vrhniki (2001–2004), danes pa deluje v župniji Ljubljana – Stožice (2004-). Znanstveno-raziskovalno in predavateljsko se udejstvuje na TEOF Univerze v Ljubljani in na njeni Enoti v Mariboru (asistent 2001, docent 2004). Znanstveno-raziskovalno dejavnost posveča področju domače cerkvene in svetne zgodovine, kakor tudi umetnostne zgodovine. Veliko časa posveča tudi preučevanju arhivskega gradiva. Rezultati Ambrožičeve znanstveno-raziskovalne dejavnosti so predvsem znanstvene monografije in razprave. Doc. dr. Matjaž Ambrožič je tudi izvedenec (kolavdator) na področju zvonoslovja in orglarstva ter pisec strokovnih elaboratov ob restavracijah in nakupih zvonov in orgel.

Dr Matjaž Ambrožič (1967) commenced his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Theology in Ljubljana after completion of schooling at the social- and linguistic studies grammar school and military training in 1987. He was ordained into priesthood in 1993. At first he worked as a chaplain in Kočevje (1993-1996) and in Novo mesto - Šmihel (1996-1996). In the autumn 1997 he started his graduate studies at the Faculty of the History of the Church at the Papal University Gregoriana in Rome and was conferred the doctoral degree in 2002. As a spiritual assistant he worked in Vrhnika (2001-2004) and is since then committed to pastoral work in Ljubljana-Stožice (2004-). He conducts his research and scientific work at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Ljubljana and at its Unit in Maribor (assistant, 2001; lecturer, 2004-). His research and scientific activities are focused on the areas of the world and home Church history as well as on the history of art. He likewise dedicates much of his energy to the study of archival sources. The results of Ambrožič's research and scientific work are embodied in his scientific monographs and articles. Dr Matjaž Ambrožič is also an expert on the science of Church bells and of organs, and is the author of a number of expertises concerning the restoration and purchases of church bells as well as organs.


promotional video
flag The History of Forms in Judeo-Christian Sources and Tradition
as author at  PRO(MO)GRAM - predstavitveni filmi raziskovalnih programov / promotional videos of research programs,
together with: Jože Krašovec,
  promotional video
flag Zgodovina oblik v judovsko-krščanskih virih in tradiciji
as author at  PRO(MO)GRAM - predstavitveni filmi raziskovalnih programov / promotional videos of research programs,
together with: Jože Krašovec,