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The Vienna L'Internationale* Conference 2010: Points of Connection
The conference and research seminar, Points of Connection, is the first in a series of projects at L'Internationale, a new ...
Simpozij skupine OHO, Ljubljana 2010
Zabel je OHO opisal kot najzanimivejše in najpomembnejše neoavantgardno umetniško gibanje v Sloveniji v šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja. Njegova zgodovina ...
THE NEXT STEP International Conference of Museums of Modern and Contemporary Art, Ljubljana 2009
The conference title refers to the state of affairs brought about by the rapid globalization and the growing doubts concerning ...
Moderna galerija, Ljubljana
Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art) is the Slovene national institution for modern and contemporary art. As a museum of Slovene modern art it explores and presents the 20th-century Slovene art tradition, while as a museum of contemporary art and exhibition venue it presents new art practices and their context.
It is also a documentary, study, research and education centre, a place for discussions and reflection and for presenting art to a wider audience.
The Moderna galerija regularly stages exhibitions of both Slovene and international contemporary art. By featuring retrospectives and overviews of Slovene artists (displayed in a contemporary and innovative way), it maintains a continuity by informing the wider public of the Slovene contemporary art tradition, and follows developments and new trends in Slovenia and internationally with exhibitions of contemporary art.
The institution draws on the specific cultural, historical and geopolitical circumstances in which it operates, as well as on the new reality of the globalised society. It sees its role as being an intermediate point between national and international, between local and global. Its specific position enables it to operate as a bridge between various geopolitical and cultural regions in Europe (East-West, North-South).