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MOVING - TraininG towards a society of data-saVvy inforMation prOfessionals to enable open leadership INnovation
The vision of the MOVING project is to develop an innovative training platform that enables people from all societal sectors (companies, universities, public administration) to fundamentally improve their information literacy by training how to use, choose, reflect and evaluate data/text mining methods in connection with their daily research tasks. We believe that an extensive distribution of this type of information literacy education in the sense of a data-savvy information professional will have a decisive impact on the innovative capacity of the European society.
The MOVING project will train people to cope with the large amount of Internet-based information they are faced with as part of their daily professional duties. We provide them technical support as well as social advice to organise, filter and exploit these information in a more efficient and sustainable way. The core challenge of our current knowledge society is not the access to information itself, but whether people have the ability to manage them in a professional way. Understanding, using and developing data mining strategies will become a basic cultural technique and will determine whether our society will succeed in exploiting the data produced and develop innovation. In fact, one of the basic competencies today is information management. The MOVING project therefore takes one important step towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to help ensure that open leadership innovation happens. To reach this objective, the project will develop the open, innovation training platform "MOVING" that is both:
(a) A working environment for the quality and usability analysis of large text collections and free online contents with data mining methods equally open for people from science, public administration and business, and
(b) A training environment with information, training and exchange offers in the broad field of digital information management. It is exactly that connection of technical application and curriculum that will make the platform a holistic and thus long-term successful service.
Together, those characteristics form the two sides of the same coin, because they can develop their full potential only in conjunction with each other (Figure 1). People dealing with an ever growing flood of information need sophisticated tools that allow fast and accurate evaluation and visualisations of the analysis results. The platform can only be effective, if the persons using it at least have a basic understanding how to deal with data mining techniques and how to interpret the results. Likewise any measures in training, further education or support are only really successful if they are based on real practical questions or closely connected to such. Moreover, the practical application is usually the most effective way of training. Therefore, the MOVING platform wants to overcome any artificial distinction in training and practice.
Specifically this means that on the one hand the platform enables state-of-the-art searching and semantic analysis of large digital contents. This includes both full-texts of open scientific literature and their metadata as well as web content (project websites, funding agencies websites and blogs) and digital video contents. On the one hand, users of the MOVING platform are thus able to:
- get access to an extensive and exclusively compiled source inventory,
- use search and visualisation methods which are as yet nowhere available for a wide use,
- generate knowledge that cannot be derived from existing solutions in a comparable speed and comprehensiveness.
On the other hand, MOVING makes its own functioning understandable to its users and supports its users through:
- detailed and scientifically proven help system (glossary, tutorials, guidance),
- individually configurable training program (learning modules, videos, exercises)
- vivid social community of people from different sectors of society (science, administration, business), but with similar interests or problems to be solved.
Users of the MOVING platform will thus train on their own questions/tasks and of the experience of other users. They will be strongly encouraged to share their knowledge and experiences. Moreover, they will also be actively educated about their behaviour and “learning progress”, which will both be guided by the platform. This is intended to raise awareness of the use of such a platform and give ideas what the results actually mean, how they come about, and what could be possibly done additionally using the MOVING platform.