JMOOC, Massive Open Online Courses from Japan
published: June 23, 2014, recorded: April 2014, views: 2644
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Since 2011 many xMOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) providers have been established like Coursera, Udacity and edX. At first most of the courses provided by those MOOC are from major universities in US like MIT, Harvard, UC Berkeley and others. From Japan University of Tokyo and Kyoto University made announcement to participate Coursera and edX respectively, and publish their courses. In terms of OCW there are twenty two universities are members of JOCW, Japan OCW Consortium including University of Tokyo and Kyoto University. Many member universities except University of Tokyo and Kyoto University have big interest in providing their courses as MOOC. But there might be various issues to join existing foreign MOOC providers. Their aim seems that only top ranked university can only join and provide MOOC on their platform and only famous professors can provide their courses. For most of Japanese universities it might be so difficult to join them from various reasons. So we decided to establish the organization to promote MOOC from Japan in forms of nation-wide cooperation under industry and academia, named JMOOC. JMOOC has been established in November 1st as general incorporated association. And first MOOC from JMOOC will open from April 14, 2014. In this paper we describe the aim and plan of JMOOC .
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Reviews and comments:
Japan needs to do what OpenStax College @ (aka Rice University)has done in the United States; you need to create a series of open textbooks in Japanese that can be used by Japanese Colleges/Universities courses and JMOOC courses. Also, Japan needs to create a free database library similar to the Internet Public Library @ and the Free Library @ in Japanese to expand your resources,materials,e-journals,etc., available to Japanese businesses, students, and life-long learners. Sincerely, J.B. Shaw (MERLOT Member @
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