Peter Fajfar
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Peter Fajfar je profesor za Teorijo konstrukcij in Potresno inženirstvo na Fakulteti za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani. Je redni član Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Inženirske akademije Slovenije in Evropske akademije znanosti (EAS, Belgija). Raziskovalno se ukvarja predvsem z analizo in projektiranjem konstrukcij pri potresni obtežbi. Bil je dekan fakultete in gostujoči profesor na več uglednih univerzah, med drugim na Stanford univerzi. Je eden od treh urednikov mednarodne revije Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics in član uredniških odborov šest drugih mednarodnih revij. Bil je predsednik Zveze društev za potresno inženirstvo v bivši Jugoslaviji in prvi predsednik Slovenskega društva za potresno inženirstvo. Je član izvršnega odbora Mednarodnega združenja za potresno inženirstvo in častni član Evropskega združenja za potresno inženirstvo. Aktivno je vključen v pripravo evropskega standarda za potresno odpornost objektov Evrokod 8 in vodi vpeljavo tega standarda v Sloveniji. Sodeluje pri zahtevnih razvojnih in strokovnih nalogah za prakso.

Peter Fajfar is Professor of Structural and Earthquake Engineering at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He is a member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, a member of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering and a member of the European Academy of Sciences (Belgium). His main research interest is analysis and design of structures for earthquake loads. He was the dean of the Faculty and a visiting professor at several prestigious universities, including Stanford University. He is one out of three Editors of the international journal Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics and a member of editorial boards of six international journals. He was the president of the Yugoslav Association of Earthquake Engineering and the founding President of the Slovenian Association of Earthquake Engineering. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Earthquake Engineering and a honorary member of the European Association of Earthquake Engineering. He has been actively involved in the preparation of the European standard for earthquake resistant structures Eurocode 8 and leads the implementation of this standard in Slovenia. As a designer, consultant and/or reviewer, he has participated large number of projects for industry.


promotional video
flag Earthquake Engineering
as author at  PRO(MO)GRAM - predstavitveni filmi raziskovalnih programov / promotional videos of research programs,
flag Potresi
as author at  Ugriznimo znanost - Izobraževalna TV oddaja,
together with: Miha Žorž (moderator), Blaž Repe, Jure Bajc, Ina Cecić,
promotional video
flag Potresno inženirstvo
as author at  PRO(MO)GRAM - predstavitveni filmi raziskovalnih programov / promotional videos of research programs,
flag 90 let Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo | 90 years of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic engineering
as interviewee at  Sadovi znanja - Izobraževalna TV oddaja | Gains of knowledge - educational TV series,
together with: Goran Tenze (interviewer), Matjaž Mikoš (interviewee),
flag Potresno inženirstvo – raziskave in praksa
as author at  Kolokviji na Institutu "Jožef Stefan",
flag Potresna odpornost gradbenih objektov
as author at  Odlični v znanosti 2016 - serija vsakoletnih dogodkov, ki jih organizira Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS (ARRS) / Excellent in Science 2016 - a series of yearly events organised by the Slovenian research Agency,