Event: Academic Organisations » KI - Kemijski inštitut » Preglov kolokvij na Kemijskem inštitutu / The Pregl Colloquium at the National Institute of Chemistry Preglov kolokvij na Kemijskem inštitutu / The Pregl Colloquium at the National Institute of Chemistry

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Preglov kolokvij   

Preglov kolokvij na Kemijskem inštitutu / The Pregl Colloquium at the National Institute of Chemistry

Preglov kolovij je poimenovan po Frideriku (Fritzu) Preglu, kemiku in zdravniku slovenskega rodu, ki je leta 1923 dobil Nobelovo nagrado za kemijo za “odkritje metode za mikroanalizo organskih spojin”.

V sklopu teh predavanj gostimo priznane znanstvenike s celega sveta s področja kemije in kemiji sorodnih ved. Predavanja so odprta za širšo strokovno in znanstveno javnost. Oglašamo jih preko naše spletne strani, ravno tako pa tudi pošiljamo vabila na vse raziskovalne ustanove v Ljubljani. Uradni jezik Preglovega kolokvija je angleščina, potekajo pa enkrat mesečno, ponavadi tretji čertek v mesecu ob 13h v Veliki predavalnici, če ni drugače navedeno.

The Pregl Colloquium was named after Friderik (Fritz) Pregl, a chemist and medical doctor of Slovenian origin. In 1923 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry “for his invention of the method of micro-analysis of organic substances”.

In this series of lectures we host distinguished scientists from all over the world, working in the field of chemistry or chemistry-related sciences. The lectures are open to a broad scientific communion and are advertised on our webpage, as well as at all research institutions in Ljubljana. The official language of the Pregl colloquium is English. The Colloquium takes place once a month in the Great Lecture Hall, usually on a third Thursday at 1 pm, if not stated otherwise.


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