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TEDxMaribor 2011

TEDxMaribor 2011

V duhu idej, ki jih je vredno širiti, je TED zasnoval program TEDx. TEDx je skupek lokalno in samostojno organiziranih ...

TEDxMaribor 2010

TEDxMaribor 2010

TEDxMaribor se je zgodil 2.2.2010 in je nastal na osnovi TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) dogodkov, kjer izjemni ljudje širijo izjemne ...

TEDxLjubljana Jesen 2009

TEDxLjubljana Jesen 2009

TEDxLjubljana Pomlad 2009

TEDxLjubljana Pomlad 2009

V duhu idej, vrednih širjenja, je TEDx program lokalnih, samostojno organiziranih dogodkov, katerih namen je združevanje ljudi, da skupaj delijo ...


TEDx - independently organized TED events

TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." The program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level.

At TEDx events, unique talks given by live speakers combine with TEDTalks videos to spark deep conversation and connections. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.

While the content and design of each TEDx event is unique and developed independently, all TEDx events have several features in common.

What you'll find at every TEDx event:

  • TED's celebrated format: A suite of short, carefully prepared talks, demonstrations and performances on a wide range of subjects to foster learning, inspiration and wonder -- and to provoke conversations that matter
  • TEDTalks videos: A minimum of two pre-recorded talks from the acclaimed TEDTalks video series will be shown (these talks are available free on
  • Bias-free programming: Lack of any commercial, religious or political agenda