Theo Bothma
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Prof Bothma is professor and Head of the Department of Information Science. He joined the University of Pretoria in 1991 and became Head of Department in October 1995. He was appointed as chairperson of the School of Information Technology on 1 September 2008 for a period of four years. His teaching and research focus on information organization and retrieval (including aspects of information literacy, databases for indigenous knowledge and cross-language information retrieval), web development and electronic publishing, as well as on curriculum development. He is the author and co-author of a number of publications and has presented many papers at local and international conferences. He has chaired a number of local conferences, inter alia on Hypermedia (Hypermedia 92, 94, 96), Publishing (1995) and Information Science (ProLISSA 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006). He has been a member of the programme or organizing committee of various local and international conferences; these include four CoLIS conferences (Copenhagen, Dubrovnik, Seattle and Glasgow), three SIGIR conferences (Salvador, Seattle, Amsterdam), five ECIR conferences (since 2006), IIiX 2006 (Copenhagen) and IIiX 2008 (London), three SAICSIT conferences (2005, 2006 and 2007) and CHI-SA 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2005 (Pretoria), as well as being co-chair of the Development Consortium of SIGCHI (Minneapolis, April 2002). He is an advisory editor of Libri and a member of the editorial boards of SAJLIS, Online Information Review, International Review of Information Ethics, New Review of Information Networking and Education for Information. He is member of LIASA, ACM (SIGWEB, SIGMultimedia and SIGIR), CSSA, CHI-SA (treasurer 2001 - 2003) and the IFLA Standing Committee for Knowledge Management (of which he was the web manager until 2009), as well as an expert resource person for the IFLA/FAIFE committee. He coordinated the IFLA preconference and open session on Knowledge Management, Durban, August 2007. He was the South African chair of the Standing Committee of the DISSAnet project, funded by DANIDA (1998-2005) for capacity building in research in information science in Southern Africa, and was chair of the four DISSAnet conferences that took place in Pretoria, ProLISSA 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006. He is the editor and co-author of the IFLA/FAIFE World Report 2007 on freedom of access to information and freedom of expression, as well as the IFLA World Report 2010. He holds a C1 rating from the National Research Foundation (1 Jan. 2009 - 31 Dec. 2014). He was recognised by the University of Pretoria as an exceptional academic achiever, a three-year award (2010 - 2012); the award ceremony took place on 24 March 2010. He regularly consults on web development and electronic publishing, and is responsible for the electronic publication of the proceedings of inter alia the ProLISSA conferences on the DISSAnet website.


flag A model for integrated dictionares of fixed expressions
as author at  Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: new applications for new users (eLex2011),
flag Information Needs and Contextualization in the Dictionary Consultation Process
as author at  19th EURALEX International Congress "Lexicography for Inclusion", Alexandroupolis, 2021 (virtual),