Cremaster 1--5

author: Bojan Gorenec, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana
published: Jan. 16, 2008,   recorded: November 2007,   views: 4090

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Bojan Gorenec je analiziral določene vidike dela Cikla Kremaster ameriškega umetnika Matthewa Barneya, ki situacijo v sodobni situaciji umetnosti, ko kontekst preplavlja in potiska avtonomijo posamičnega dela, prevrne na glavo tako, da posamična dela (slike, kipe, ready-made, performanse itd.) kooptira v večjo celoto 'razširjenega' dela. S tem omogoči posamičnim delom/kosom, da po eni strani v celoti zaživijo, po drugi strani pa so vpeti v širši kontekst, ki ga vzpostavlja razstava / postavitev / dogajanje in kaže na možnost preseganja tako avtonomije dela kot gole projektnosti.
Ob tem se je Gorenec dotaknil vprašanj kot so končnost - nedokončnost, končanost - odprtost, zaprto delo - odprto delo, ekonomija dela in drugih tem, ki so izšle iz analize. Skušal bo pokazati na vzporednice, ki obstajajo v sodobni slovenski umetnosti in ki jo določajo kot specifično produkcijo v okviru celote vizualnih umetnosti.

Predavanje je bilo posneto 28. novembra 2007 v Galeriji Škuc v Ljubljani.

Gorenec analysed aspects of The Cremaster Cycle by American artist Matthew Barney, who turns the situation in contemporary art - in which context overflows and pressurises the autonomy of an individual artwork - upside down by co-opting individual works (paintings, sculptures, readymades, performances, etc) into the larger whole of an 'extended' work of art. By so doing, he enables individual works/pieces on the one hand to become alive, while on the other they become incorporated into a broader context which is established by an exhibition/layout/happening, and points to the possibility of surpassing both the autonomy of a particular work and the sheer conceptualisation. Gorenec also discussed issues such as finiteness-infiniteness, completion-openness, closed work-open work, the economy of work, and others that emerge during the analysis. He attempted to draw attention to parallels which exist in contemporary Slovenian art and define it as a unique production within the scope of visual arts.

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