Lecture 9 - Biomolecular Engineering: Engineering of Immunity

author: W. Mark Saltzman, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Yale University
recorded by: Yale University
published: Jan. 4, 2011,   recorded: March 2008,   views: 2786
released under terms of: Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives (CC-BY-ND)

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Professor Saltzman talks about the importance of vaccines, and particularly the role of bioengineering in vaccine development. He first addresses the question of "what is a vaccine" and the role of the immune system. He then describes the biological basis, symptoms, and history of smallpox as a devastating disease worldwide, and how--starting with the work of Edward Jenner--an effective vaccine was systematically developed from cow lesions. Next, methods to deliver vaccine to a wide population are introduced. Finally, Professor Saltzman touches on the possible reemergence of smallpox as weapon for bioterrorism.

Reading assignment:

Biomedical Engineering: Bridging Medicine and Technology, in preparation by Mark Saltzman (forthcoming by Cambridge University Press); chapter 15


Summary and Key Concepts: Chapter 15 [PDF]

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