Cloning and embryonic stem cells for regenerative medicine / Kloniranje in embrionalne matične celice za regenerativno medicino
published: Jan. 15, 2009, recorded: May 2008, views: 4151
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Parkinsons, Alzheimers, diabetes and other degenerative diseases could be treated with cell transplantation of new and healthy cells. During the past years the field of regenerative medicine has been focusing on development of therapeutically useful cells from embryonic stem cells. While these cells hold a great potential, their ethicaly controversial derivation has revived research using adult stem cells. Recently, novel technologies have been developed that allow derivation of pluripotent cells from adult somatic tissues. This would allow for derivation of patient-specific, autologous cells for cell therapy. This presentation will discuss the possibilities for the future development of strategies for regenerative medicine.
Področje regenerativne medicine, ki proučuje možnost zdravljenja Parkinsonove, Alzheimerjeve, sladkorne ter drugih degenerativnih bolezni s presaditvijo novih, zdravih celic, se je v zadnjih letih osredotočilo na razvoj celičnih terapij iz embrionalnih matičnih celic. Kljub potencialu jih zaradi etično spornega izvora nadomeščamo z matičnimi celicami iz odraslih tkiv. V zadnjem času smo razvili nove tehnologije, ki omogočajo pridobivanje terapevtskih celic iz odraslih, somatskih virov. To nam bo omogočilo razvoj celičnih terapij, ki bodo razvite iz, in presajene v istega pacienta. Predavanje bo predstavilo možnosti za prihodnost celične terapije.
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