New materials - where chemistry and materials sciences meet / Novi materiali - kjer se srečata kemija in znanost o materialih

author: Ulrich Schubert, Vienna University of Technology
published: March 27, 2009,   recorded: November 2008,   views: 3764

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New materials are the basis for new technologies. To overcome the limits of traditional materials, new materials concepts are needed. An example is inorganic-organic hybrid materials. Combination of inorganic and organic building blocks on a molecular scale results in properties between that of purely organic (polymers, molecular materials etc.) and purely inorganic materials (glass, ceramics, etc.). In order to obtain the desired “tailor-made” property profiles, the reactivity and functionality of the molecular precursors must be carefully tuned. This offers the opportunity to design chemical strategies for the synthesis of materials with pre-defined properties.

Novi materiali so osnova novih tehnologij. Da bi presegli meje tradicionalnih materialov, so potrebni konceptualno novi pristopi k sintezi. Primer le-teh so anorgansko- organski hibridni materiali. Kombinacija anorganskih in organskih gradnikov na molekularni ravni vodi do lastnosti, ki so med lastnostmi čistih organskih (polimeri, molekularni materiali itd.) in čistih anorganskih materialov (steklo, keramika, itd.).

Da bi dosegli želene lastnosti novega materiala, je potrebno skrbno izbrati oz. prilagoditi reaktivnost in funkcionalnost molekulskih snovi, iz katerih izhajamo. To pa daje možnosti načrtovanja kemijskih strategij za sintezo materialov z vnaprej določenimi lastnostmi.

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