Christoph Best
search externally:   Google Scholar,   Springer,   CiteSeer,   Microsoft Academic Search,   Scirus ,   DBlife


Christoph Best joined Google in 2010 from European Bioinformatics Institute, where he led the Electron Microscopy Data Bank project. Before that, he did research in Bioimage Informatics/Structural Biology at Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Munich, Germany, and Computational High Energy Physics at the John von Neumann Institute for Computation, Jülich, He did postdoctoral training in bioinformatics and theoretical physics at the University of Munich and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and holds a Dr. phil. nat. in Theoretical Physics from the University of Frankfurt.


flag Big Data - Challenges and Opportunities
as panelist at  1st UCL-Duke University Workshop on Sensing and Analysis of High-Dimensional Data (SAHD), London 2014,
together with: Thore Graepel (panelist), Christophe Bernard (panelist), Robert Calderbank (moderator), Patrick J. Wolfe (moderator),