EU Supported
ACTIVE - Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise
ACTIVE aims to increase the productivity of knowledge workers in a pro-active, contextualised, yet easy and unobtrusive way. The aim is to convert tacit and unshared knowledge - the "hidden intelligence" of enterprises - into transferable, interoperable and actionable knowledge to support seamless collaboration and to enable problem solving.
- AI4Gov | Trusted AI for Transparent Public Governance
AquaSmart - Aquaculture Smart and Open Data Analytics as a Service
The AquaSmart project is about enhancing innovation capacity within the aquaculture sector, by helping companies to transform captured data into knowledge and use this knowledge to dramatically improve performance. It also supports production benchmarking through access to global data.
C2CN - Cradle to Cradle Network
The C2C network brings together EU regions to share and capitalise on regional good practice in implementing C2C principles in relation to waste prevention and management, and do so by producing sustainable solutions, economic development opportunities and social well-being.
CASyM - Coordinating Systems Medicine across Europe
The Coordinating Action Systems Medicine (CASyM) is a multidisciplinary European consortium that joined forces to develop an implementation strategy (road map) for Systems Medicine. The CASyM road map is driven by clinical needs: It aims to identify areas where a systems approach will address clinical questions and solve clinical problems.
Centre for eGovernance Development for South East Europe
The CeGD is one of the first Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs) established in the SEE region to address the needs of the specific, but nevertheless broad field, of eGovernance . The rationale behind the establishment of the CeGD and its location in Ljubljana, Slovenia is that Slovenia because of its common history with countries of the Western Balkans , its geographical position, and its recent development of eGovernance solutions is a great candidate to transfer knowledge, experiences and ideas from the countries of the EU to candidate and potential candidate countries for full EU membership.
CINCH Series of Projects
The MEET-CINCH project main aims are to proactively bring the results achieved so far to their end-users (CINCH VET – Vocational Education and Training – e-shop), significantly contribute to attracting new talents and increasing the nuclear (chemistry) awareness by developing a MOOC – Massive Open On-line Course, and investigate the applicability of the modern Flipped (Inverted) Classroom concept in the nuclear chemistry teaching and training field.
COG-LO, COGnitive Logistics Operations through secure, dynamic and ad-hoc collaborative networks
The main goal of COG-LO is to create the framework and tools that will add cognition and collaboration features to future logistics processes by: 1) Introducing the Cognitive Logistics Object (CLO) by adding cognitive behavior to all involved Logistics actors and processes; 2) Developing the environment that will allow CLOs to exchange information through ad-hoc social secure networks.
COIN - COllaboration and INteroperability for networked enterprises
COIN Integrated Project: Collaboration and Interoperability mission is to study, design, develop and prototype an open, self-adaptive, generic ICT integrated solution to support the 2020 vision, starting from notable existing research results in the field of Enterprise Interoperability (EI) and Enterprise Collaboration (EC).
E4 - Extended Enterprise Management in Enlarged Europe
The ambition of E4 STREP is to be the catalyst of current and past R&D multi-disciplinary efforts (organisational, managerial, psychological, socio-economical, technical) to finally apply cbusiness and extended product paradigms to enlarged EU SMEs, irrespective of the sector they belong to and of their geographical location.
Ecolead - European Collaborative networked Organisations LEADership initiative
European Collaborative networked Organisations LEADership initiative, ECOLEAD, aims to create strong foundations and mechanisms needed to establish the most advanced collaborative and network-based industry society in Europe: "In ten years most enterprises will be part of some sustainable collaborative networks that will act as breeding environments for the formation of dynamic virtual organizations in response to fast changing market conditions.
ENVISION - ENVIronmental Services Infrastructure with ONtologies
The ENVISION project is the follow-up of the SWING project, adopting and extending its results. It provides an ENVIronmental Services Infrastructure with ONtologies that aims to support non ICT-skilled users in the process of semantic discovery and adaptive chaining and composition of environmental services. Innovations in ENVISION are: on-the-Web enabling and packaging of technologies for their use by non ICT-skilled users, support for migrating environmental models to be provided as models as a service (Maas), and the use of data streaming information for harvesting information for dynamic building of ontologies and adapting service execution.
Euridice - EURopean Inter-Disciplinary research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient
Euridice - EURopean Inter-Disciplinary research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient is an Integrated Project funded by EU's Seventh Framework Programme ICT for Transport Area. The basic concept of Euridice is to build an information services platform centred on the individual cargo item and on its interaction with the surrounding environment and the user.
European Data Science Academy (EDSA)
The European Data Science Academy (EDSA) designs curricula for data science training and data science education across the European Union (EU).
European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques (enetCollect)
etCollect is a large international network aiming at performing the groundwork to set into motion a Research and Innovation trend combining the well-established domain of Language Learning with recent and successful crowdsourcing approaches. By doing so, enetCollect aims at unlocking a crowdsourcing potential available for all languages and at triggering an innovation breakthrough for the production of language learning material, such as lesson or exercise content, and language-related datasets, such as language resources.
FIRST - large scale inFormation extraction and Intergration infRastructure for SupporTing financial decision making
FIRST project addresses the extreme challenges of dealing in real-time with vast and constantly growing amounts of heterogeneous data and information in financial markets. The financial industry represents a role model for critical, information-bound domains. Especially the end-users of information as for instance financial analysts, investment managers, market regulators, financial advisors, and individual investors rely on their ability to quickly identify and interpret relevant information.
FP6 - 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development
FP6 is the European Community Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration. It is a collection of the actions at EU level to fund and promote research.
FP7 - 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development
The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) is designed to support a wide range of participants: from universities, through public authorities to small enterprises and researchers in developing countries.
GENDERA - GENder Debate in the European Research Area
Based on available analyses and recommendations aimed to improve the situation of women in science, GENDERA will identify and discuss good practices of gender balance on national and European levels by networking and in workshops. The project will demonstrate the factors that limit the participation of women in specific scientific fields as well as in decision making positions, and introduce real-life implementation examples to top decision makers of research and higher education institutions.
Humane AI - Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us
The Humane AI Flagship will develop the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs needed to shape the ongoing artificial intelligence (AI) revolution. The goal is to design and deploy AI systems that enhance human capabilities and empower both individuals and society as a whole to develop AI that extends rather than replaces human intelligence.
Infinitech - The Flagship Project for Digital Finance in Europe
INFINITECH is a joint effort of global leaders in ICT and finance towards lowering the barriers for BigData/IoT/AI driven innovation, boosting regulatory compliance and stimulating additional investments.
INFINITECH provides:
Novel BigData/IoT technologies for seamless management and querying of all types of data interoperable data analytics, blockchain-based data sharing, real-time analytics, as well as libraries of advanced AI algorithms.
Regulatory tools incorporating various data governance capabilities and facilitating compliance to regulations (e.g., PSD2, 4AMLD, MIFiD II).
Nine novel and configurable testbeds & sandboxes, each one offering Open APIs and other resources for validating autonomous and personalized solutions, including a unique collection of data assets for finance/insurance. -
LarKC - The Large Knowledge Collider
LarKC: The Large Knowledge Collider is an EU FP 7 Large-Scale Integrating Project LarKC with the aim to develop a platform for massive distributed incomplete reasoning that will remove the scalability barriers of currently existing reasoning systems for the Semantic Web.
MediaMixer: Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments
The main rationale of MediaMixer is to set up and sustain a community of video producers, hosters, and redistributors who will be supported in the adoption of semantic multimedia technology in their systems and workflows to build a European market for media fragment re-purposing and re-selling.
MEMORI-net: Network for Mental and Motor Rehabilitation of Stroke patients
MEMORI-net - Mental and Motor Rehabilitation Network of stroke is a cross-border Italy-Slovenia project, that aims to delineate new common clinical standardised protocols for the rehabilitation of stroke patients with a new Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Care Strategy. In particular, the project will implement the criteria for the evaluation of the deficit in stroke patients and will design new integrated cognitive and motor rehabilitation strategies. An ICT platform will facilitate the cooperation between institutions, stakeholders, and families, also with dedicated training initiatives.
MENTORTRAIN - Training and Equipping Mentors in SMEs to provide Quality Apprenticeships
The MentorTrain project aims to create a platform for imparting pedagogical skills to mentors, particularly experienced workers from SMEs who may not necessarily have relevant teaching experience but are working with students/apprentices from professional higher educational institutions at EQF levels 5-7.
META-NET is a Network of Excellence dedicated to fostering the technological foundations of a multilingual European information society. Linguistic diversity is an essential element of our mulitcultural European society. In the age of globalisation and the emerging information society this diversity is not yet sustainable. Languages that are not supported by advanced information technology will be in danger. The vision of an inclusive barrier-free European information society requires technologies for overcoming language boundaries at affordable costs.
MLPM - Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine
MLPM is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network, funded by the European Union within the 7th Framework Programme. Its goal is to educate interdisciplinary experts who will develop and employ the computational and statistical tools that are necessary to enable personalized medical treatment of patients according to their genetic and molecular properties and who are aware of the scientific, clinical and industrial implications of this research.
MobiS - Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence Techniques
The main objective of MobiS project is to achieve energy efficiency and sustainable mobility, while in parallel satisfying environmental and personal criteria taking into account all different dimensions and implications, depending on the needs of each travelling person: the transport modes, transport objects, and other physical (sensor network), operational and business parameters.
MOVING - TraininG towards a society of data-saVvy inforMation prOfessionals to enable open leadership INnovation
The vision of the MOVING project is to develop an innovative training platform that enables people from all societal sectors (companies, universities, public administration) to fundamentally improve their information literacy by training how to use, choose, reflect and evaluate data/text mining methods in connection with their daily research tasks. We believe that an extensive distribution of this type of information literacy education in the sense of a data-savvy information professional will have a decisive impact on the innovative capacity of the European society.
NeOn - Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies
NeOn is a project involving 14 European partners and co-funded by the European Commission’s Sixth Framework Programme under grant number IST-2005-027595. NeOn started in March 2006 and has a duration of 4 years. Our aim is to advance the state of the art in using ontologies for large-scale semantic applications in the distributed organizations. Particularly, we aim at improving the capability to handle multiple networked ontologies that exist in a particular context, are created collaboratively, and might be highly dynamic and constantly evolving.
NoE PetaMedia - P2P Tagged Media
PetaMedia is a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme. FP7 is a key tool to respond to Europe's needs in terms of jobs and competitiveness, and one of its goals is to maintain leadership in the global knowledge economy.
Opening up dictionaries, linguistic data and language tools for European communities.
The ELEXIS project benefits from the expertise of some of the top experts in the fields of lexicography, linguistics and natural language processing, who agreed to share their experience and contribute their efforts to the success of the project.
PASCAL - Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning
PASCAL is a Network of Excellence funded by the European Union. It has established a distributed institute that brings together researchers and students across Europe, and is now reaching out to countries all over the world. PASCAL is developing the expertise and scientific results that will help create new technologies such as intelligent interfaces and adaptive cognitive systems. To achieve this, it supports and encourages collaboration between experts in Machine Learning, Statistics and Optimization.
The PlanetData project is built around three objectives that together ensure the creation of a durable community made up of academic and industrial partners. This community will be supported in conducting research in the large-scale data management area through the provision of data sets and access to tailored data management technology. It will benefit from a comprehensive program of training, dissemination, standardization, and networking activities, intended to strengthen existing collaborations and establish new ones, to educate organizations in key questions related to open data exposure, and to transfer research results towards industry.
- Plooto - Product Passport through Twinning of Circular Value Chains
ProaSense - The Proactive Sensing Enterprise
The ProaSense project is an EU project aiming to pave the way for an efficient transmission from Sensing into Proactive enterprises. Proactive enterprises will be countinuously aware of what »might happen« in the relevant business context and optimize their behaviour to achieve »what should be the best action«.
RENDER – Reflecting Knowledge Diversity
RENDER will help to realize a world where information is acquired and shared in a fundamentally different manner than the consensual approach promoted by movements such as Web 2.0, and where communication and collaboration across the borders of social, cultural or professional communities are truly enabled via advanced Web technology, supporting one of the credos of European society: “United in diversity”.
SEAS - Smart Energy Aware Systems
The SEAS (Smart Energy Aware Systems) ITEA 2 project is to enable interactions for all market players in real time for consumption and production energy systems, automation and ICT Information and Communications Technology systems in order to optimize global energy consumption.
Sekt - Semantic Knowledge Technologies
The EU IST integrated project Semantic Knowledge Technologies (SEKT) developed and exploited semantic knowledge technologies. Core to the SEKT project has been the creation of synergies by combining the three core research areas ontology management, machine learning and natural language processing.
SMART- Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation
More than half of the EU citizens are not able to hold a conversation in a language other than their mother tongue, let alone to conduct a negotiation, or interpret a law. In a time of wide availability of communication technologies, language barriers are a serious bottleneck to European integration and to economic and cultural exchanges in general. More effective tools to overcome such barriers, in the form of software for machine translation and other cross-lingual textual information access tasks, are in strong demand.
Tool East - Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops
Tool East provides a cost-efficient ERP application on the basis of existing open source ERP application. ToolEast solution supports the efficient coordination of intra-enterprise order processing with the one-stop-shop portal that offers many related services like orders management, work planning, resource allocation, open market, CRM and project management that were tailored to the needs of Tool and Sie making SMEs.
TransLectures - transcription and translation of videolectures
transLectures is a European project to provide improved technologies for the automatic transcription and translation of online educational videos. Funded under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for research and technological development, the project was launched on 1 November 2011 and will run for three years until 31 October 2014.
Water4Cities Project
Water4Cities project aims to develop the necessary models and associated platform that will enable water providers and relevant stakeholders to a) monitor in real-time the urban water resources; b) support their decisions for optimal urban water management causing minimal environmental impact and c) involve policy makers, corporations and the public to provide the support for sound and balanced decision-making. The Water4Cities project will rely on sensor technologies, data and visual analytics to enable localization, visualization and analysis of urban water (both surface water and groundwater) at a holistic urban setting providing services to multiple water stakeholders.
The goal of the XLike project is to develop technology to monitor and aggregate knowledge that is currently spread across mainstream and social media, and to enable cross-lingual services for publishers, media monitoring and business intelligence.
Imagine a Europe where researchers, learners, professionals and industries would be able to research, exchange, deploy, test, retrieve and experiment new approaches in education in an operational framework and test bed, where possibilities are open and ideas are always intellectually fresh, exciting and challenging.
Sporazumevanje v slovenskem jeziku
S stališča uresničevanja interesov skupnosti govorcev slovenskega jezika preko javnega financiranja je smiselno zagotoviti trajno produkcijo sekundarnih jezikovnih virov, ki jih je potrebno obnavljati skladno s spremembami v jeziku. V tem smislu je nujno predvideti, kateri viri so za govorce slovenskega jezika najbolj strateškega pomena ter v skladu z oceno razporediti razpoložljiva finančna sredstva na racionalen in učinkovit način.