Cvetka Požar
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Dr. Cvetka Požar je umetnostna zgodovinarka in kustosinja v Muzeju za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (MAO). Je avtorica razstave in knjige Vsi na volitve! Plakat kot politični medij na Slovenskem 1945–1999. Bila je sokustosinja številnih razstav, pred kratkim razstav Iskra: neuvrščeno oblikovanje 1946–1990 in Oblikovanje republike: arhitektura, oblikovanje in fotografija v Sloveniji 1991–2011. Uredila je številne kataloge in je sourednica knjig v Knjižni zbirki AML, ki jo izdaja MAO.

Cvetka Požar, PhD, is an art historian and curator at the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO). She is the author of the exhibition and book To the Polling Booths! The Poster as a Political Medium in Slovenia 1945-1999. She was the co-curator of several exhibitions, most recently of Iskra: Non-Aligned Design 1946-1990 and Designing the Republic: Architecture, Design and Photography in Slovenia, 1991-2011. She has edited several exhibition catalogues and is co-editor of MAO’s AML Contemporary Book series.


flag Reading on the web, implications for online information desing / Branje na spletu: vpliv na informacijsko oblikovanje
as introducer at  MAO presents Visual Communications Theory: On Information Design 2009/10 / Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje predstavlja cikel predavanj iz teorije vizualnih komunikacij: O informacijskem oblikovanju 2009/10,
together with: Karen Schriver, Petra Černe Oven (introducer),
flag Data, information, design and traffic injuries / Podatki, informacije, oblikovanje in prometne poškodbe
as author at  MAO presents Visual Communications Theory: On Information Design 2009/10 / Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje predstavlja cikel predavanj iz teorije vizualnih komunikacij: O informacijskem oblikovanju 2009/10,
together with: Jorge Frascara,
flag Data, information, design and traffic injuries / Podatki, informacije, oblikovanje in prometne poškodbe
as author at  MAO presents Visual Communications Theory: On Information Design 2009/10 / Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje predstavlja cikel predavanj iz teorije vizualnih komunikacij: O informacijskem oblikovanju 2009/10,
together with: Jorge Frascara,
flag Opening and award ceremony
as presenter at  BIO 50: 24th Biennial of Design, Ljubljana,
together with: Saša J. Mächtig (presenter), Maja Vardjan (presenter), Jan Boelen (presenter), Lilijana Madjar (presenter), Janez Škrabec (presenter), Matevž Čelik (organizer),
flag Introduction on the history of BIO
as author at  BIO 50: 24th Biennial of Design, Ljubljana,