Igor Gregorič
Dr. Gregoric practices General Surgery and Thoracic Surgery in Houston, Texas. Dr. Igor Gregoric, a male, graduated from the Univ Edvarda Kardelja V Ljubljani, Med Fak, Ljubljana, Slovenia with an MD and has been in the profession for 29 years.
lecture Naprave za podporo funkcije levega prekata pri zdravljenju srčne odpovedi as author at Dnevi Jožefa Stefana na Institutu "Jožefa Stefana", together with: Denis Arčon (introducer), 5559 views |
interview Interview as interviewee at Dnevi Jožefa Stefana na Institutu "Jožefa Stefana", together with: Davor Orlič (interviewer), 4183 views |
lecture Heart Transplantation and MCS in Advanced Heart Failure as author at Znanstveni večeri Univerze v Novi Gorici, together with: Mladen Franko (introducer), 822 views |