Janez Bonča
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Janez Bonča, Oddelek za Fiziko, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko (FMF), Univerza v Ljubljani, Jadranska 19, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, E-mail: [email protected], Telefon: +386 1 4766 561, Fax: +386 1 2517 281,
Dopolnilna zaposlitev : Institut "Jožef Stefan", 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, Telefon: +386 1 4773 587, Fax: +386 1 2519 385.
Izobrazba in zaposlitve:
1990: doktor fizike, Oddelek za Fiziko, FNT Univerza v Ljubljani,
1992-1995: Podoktorsko usposabljanjev nacionalnem laboratoriju v Los Alamosu, Los Alamos, Nova Mehika,
1995-2000: Docent, FMF UL,
2000-2006: Izredni profesor, FMF, UL,
2006: Redni profesor, FMF, UL,
2006: gostujoči profesor na »Institute for Material research«, na Tohoku University, Sendai, Japonska.
Vodstvene funkcije:
2003: - Vodja programa P1 0044: Fizika trdnih snovi in Statistična fizika,
2005-2007: Namestnik predstojnika Oddelka za fiziko, FMF, UL
2007-2009: Predstojnik Oddleka za fiziko, FMF,UL
2007-2009: Prodekan za raziskovalno dejavnost FMF, UL.
Nagrade in priznanja:
1984: Prešernova nagrada za diplomsko delo
1991: Nagrada Borisa Kidriča za mlade raziskovalce
2003: Zoisovo priznanje za pomembne znanstvene dosežke na področju fizike trdne snovi

Janez Bonča, Physics department, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (FMF), University of Ljubljana, Jadranska 19, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +386 1 4766 561, Fax: +386 1 2517 281,
part time: J. Stefan Institute, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Phone: +386 1 4773 587, Fax: +386 1 2519 385
Professional Experience:
1990: Ph.D in Physics, University of Ljubljana,
1992-1995: Post-doctoral Associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA,
1995-2000: Assistant Professor, FMF University of Ljubljana ,
2000-2006: Associate Professor, FMF University of Ljubljana,
2006: Professor, FMF University of Ljubljana,
2006: visiting professor at the Institute for Material research, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan,
Leadership Experience:
2003: PI of the program P1 0044 Solid state theory and statistical physics
2005-2007: Deputy head of the Physics dept., FMF, Univeristy of Ljubljana
2007-2009: Head of Physics dept., FMF, University of Ljubljana
2007-2009: Vice-dean for research activities, FMF, University of Ljubljana.
1984: dr. France Prešeren award for graduate students,
1991: Boris Kidrič award - the highest state award for young scientists,
2003: Zois award - the state award for scientific achievements
Solid State Physics, Solid State Theory, Introductory course in Physics for students of Biochemistry, Farmacy, Textile design, and Work and Fire security, …
Main Research Topics:
Theory of incommensurate systems, theory of strongly correlated systems and high temperature superconductors, theory of heavy fermion systems, theory of mesoscopic systems and quantum dots, theory of frustrated spin systems, theory of polarons and bipolarons, study of systems driven far from equilibrium.
Bibliography consists of 80 published works with over 1400 citations, over 20 invited talks, H-index 21.


promotional video
flag Theory of condensed matter and statistical physics
as author at  PRO(MO)GRAM - predstavitveni filmi raziskovalnih programov / promotional videos of research programs,
flag Neravnovesna dinamika koreliranih sistemov
as author at  Kolokviji na Institutu "Jožef Stefan",
promotional video
flag Teorija trdnih snovi in statistična fizika
as author at  PRO(MO)GRAM - predstavitveni filmi raziskovalnih programov / promotional videos of research programs,
  invited talk
flag Zero-bias conductance through coupled quantum dots
as author at  SLONANO conference, Ljubljana 2007,
flag Neravnovesna dinamika in transport v koreliranih sistemih daleč izven ravnovesja
as author at  Naravoslovno matematične vede,
flag Počasni posnetek elektronske kvantne dinamike
as author at  Odlični v znanosti 2016 - serija vsakoletnih dogodkov, ki jih organizira Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS (ARRS) / Excellent in Science 2016 - a series of yearly events organised by the Slovenian research Agency,