Luigi Cerulo
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I'm assistant professor at the Department of Biological and Environmental Studies of University of Sannio in Benevento, Italy.

In 2006 I received the PhD in software engineering at RCOST (Research Centre on Software Technology - University of Sannio). My PhD thesis is available here.

Since 2001 I'm working with the group of Software Engineering at RCOST, in particular with: Gerardo, Massimiliano, and Lerina, in mining software repositories and observing the evolution of software artifacts such as: clones, design patterns, vulnerabilities, and so on. In the [tools] section you can find a number of research tools I've developed.

Currently my broad research areas are Bioinformatics and Software Engineering. In particular my activities concern empirical studies, tools and methods that use data mining to support biologists and programmers.

Under many aspects the analysis of biological and software systems could exhibit very similar concerns as, in both systems, very complex interactions could be observed between the entities of interest (eg. programmers, classes, bugs; metabolites, genes, proteins). Software Engineering and Bioinformatics problems are not so far and it is plausible that in the near future interesting research exchange opportunities could arise. Recently we presented a paper in the New and Emerging track of ICSE 2010 that shows how a software change impact relationship could be modeled as a gene regulatory relationship (pdf).

In april 2009 I've joined the group of Bioinformatics CORE-LAB headed by Michele Ceccarelli at BIOGEM in Ariano Irpino (AV) Italy, where I'm working on reverse engineer gene regulatory networks from microarray expression profiles and prior biological knowledge by using machine learning techniques, in particular kernel methods.


flag On learning gene regulatory networks with only positive examples
as author at  4th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Systems Biology (MLSB), Edinburgh 2010,