Nastja Mulej
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Six thinking hats - Edward de Bono has developed a method of parallel thinking, where thinkers present their thoughts and opinions in parallel with the thoughts of others in a group and don't attack them. The method of Six Thinking Hats is a practical example of the parallel thinking method. With this method we finally have a constructive alternative to arguments, proving who's right and long winded meetings. In normal thinking we strive to accomplish everything at once. The Six Hats method allows us to overcome the chaos. Instead of trying to do everything at once, we separate individual aspects of thinking and thus devote full attention to every aspect of the process. We groups ways of thinking to get a holistic overview at the end. When thinking about a problem we wish to solve, it is much better to divide up our thinking, direct it and reassemble it at the end. To better remember the whole concept, the different ways of thinking are symbolized as 'hats' – something we put on our head, indicating which way we are thinking, and then remove again. Nastja Mulej, M.Sc. is a Certified Instructor of Edward de Bono Thinking Methods: CoRT, Six Thinking Hats and Lateral Thinking. Major in Marketing (1995) and Minor in Finances (1992), University of Maribor (1995), another major in Sociology, University of Ljubljana (1998) and M.Sc. in Communication Studies at the University of Ljubljana (2004). Since 2006 she has worked as a certified instructor of de Bono methods. She has translated and published two crucial de Bono books into Slovenian: Six Thinking Hats and Lateral Thinking. Now she works on adapting CoRT (direct teaching of thinking in schools) into Slovenian. She spent 10 years at New Moment, the new ideas agency spreading in 10 countries as Head of New Ideas department. She worked as lecturer at 3 Colleges – subjects: Innovation Management, Brands, Creative Thinking, Business Communication, HR Management). She is author of hundreds of articles on marketing, public relations, advertising, creativity, teaching thinking as skill etc.


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as author at  Cikel predavanj za boljše življenje z naslovom Pozitivna psihologija, Ljubljana,
together with: Blanka Tacer,