Peter H. Diamandis
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Peter H. Diamandis also serves as the Chairman of Zero Gravity Corporation, a commercial space company developing private, FAA-certified parabolic flight. He was a co-founder of Space Adventures.

In 1987, Diamandis co-Founded the International Space University (ISU) where he served as the University's first Program Director and Trustee. Prior to ISU, Diamandis served as Chairman of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) an organization he founded at MIT in 1980.

Diamandis received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in aerospace engineering from MIT, and his M.D. from Harvard Medical School. He has conducted research in a number of fields, including molecular genetics, space medicine, and launch vehicle design.

Diamandis' awards include MIT's Kresge Award, the 1986 Space Industrialization Fellowship, the 1988 Aviation Week & Space Technology Laurel, the 1993 Space Frontier Pioneer Award, and the Russian 1995 K. E. Tsiolkovsky Award.


flag From Space to Energy: Changing the World. For Good.
as author at  MIT World Series: Dean's Innovative Leader Series,