Rudolf Podgornik
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Rudolf Podgornik, Institut J. Stefan in FMF ter MF, Univerza v Ljubljani. Diplomiral sem leta 1978 v Ljubljani, na Oddelku za fiziko, takratne FNT. študij sem kasneje nadaljeval na tretji stopnji - smer biofizika - in nazadnje doktoriral leta 1986 pri Prof. B. žekšu in Prof. S. Svetini na Inštitutu za biofiziko, MF, in sicer na temo Prispevek strukture vode k interakcijam med biološkimi makromolekulami. Še istega leta sem odšel na Laboratory of Molecular Forces and Assembly, National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD) , kjer sem ostal kot podoktorand do leta 1989. Naslednje leto sem z Inštituta za biofiziko MF odšel kot mladi raziskovalec na IJS v Ljubljani, kjer sem delal kot sodelavec Odseka za teoretično fiziko do leta 1992. Tega leta sem odšel na Oddelek za fizikalno kemijo II, Univerze v Lundu (Švedska), kjer sem ostal kot gostujoči raziskovalec do leta 1993 in nato kot pridruženi raziskovalec na Laboratory of Structural Biology, Division of Computer Research and Technology, National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD). Leta 1995 sem postal visokošolski učitelj na Oddelku za fiziko, Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko v Ljubljani in leta 2000 redni profesor na Oddelku za fiziko, Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko v Ljubljani.
V preteklosti sem delal kot asistent podiplomec na Inštitutu za biofiziko, Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani pri predmetu Biofizika (predavatelja Prof. B. žekš in Prof. S. Svetina), in kot asistent na Oddelku za fiziko, takratne FNT, pri predmetu Mehanika kontinuumov (predavatelj Prof. Gosar), kjer sem leta 1995 ta predmet tudi kot predavatelj prevzel. Na Oddelku za fiziko, Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko, Univerze v Ljubljani predavam Mehaniko kontinuov, Elektromagnetno polje, Uvod v teoretično fiziko in Biofiziko. Ves čas tudi strokovno sodelujem z Inštitutom za biofiziko, MF, kar kaže tudi moja bibliografija in sem hkrati tudi vodja programa Biofizika polimerov, membran, gelov, koloidov in celic, ki ga financira ARRS in se izvaja tudi na Institutu za biofiziko, Medicinske fakultete.
Moje strokovno delo je najtesneje povezano z biofiziko osnovnih bioloških makromolekul kot so DNK, lipidi in proteini.
Sem član sledečih mednarodnih profesionalnih združenj: American Physical Society, American Biophysical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics in The Planetary Society. Seveda sem tudi član Društva matematikov, fizikov in astronomov Slovenije in član Društva biofizikov Slovenije.
Za svoje strokovno delo sem leta 1991 prejel nagrado Kidričevega sklada, leta 1995 nagrado direktorja National Institutes of Health v Bethesdi (ZDA) "for recognition and appreciation of special achievement" in nazadnje sem leta 1999 prejel največjo slovensko nagrado za znanstveno delo in sicer Zoisovo nagrado za "za vrhunske znanstvene dosezke v fiziki DNA, polimerov in lipidnih membran".

Rudolf Podgornik, J Stefan Institute and Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana. I am a full professor of physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia as well as a research councillor at the J. Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. I have extensive research experience and have published widely in the fields of biophysics and soft matter physics. I have thought full semester courses on continuum mechanics, electromagnetism, soft matter and biophysics on undergraduate and graduate levels. I have lectured extensively on my research at different academic institutions around the world and am a coorganizer and a lecturer at the prestigious Les Houches school on physics “Electrostatic effects in soft matter and biophysics”, whose proceedings have been published by Kluwer in 2002.
I finished my PhD studies in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1986. The title of the thesis was Structural contribution to the interactions between biological macromolecules. Immediately after defending my thesis I went as a postdoc to work with Dr. Adrian Parsegian at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). At NIH I started working on the physics of DNA and lipid membranes. I published fundamental work in both areas. After staying at NIH for three years I returned to Ljubljana and became an Assistant professor at the University of Ljubljana. In a few year I went to the University of Lund, Sweden, where I worked in the group of Prof. Bo Jonsson at the Center for Physical Chemistry. In 2001 I became a full professor at the University of Ljubljana.
My scientific papers have about 3000 citations at the Web of Science. Of my different scientific contributions I would like to draw your attention to the discovery of the line hexatic phase in the phase digram of DNA in aqueous solutions and the first structural elucidation of cationic lipid – DNA complexes. My work has not been noted only in strictly professional journals belonging to my field(s) but has also been presented to a broader audience in different journals. My contributions to science have been specifically highlighted in:

  • Chemical and Engineering News, Feb. 3 (1997), page 32
  • Chemistry and Industry, Feb. 17 (1997), page 123
  • APS Virtual Pressroom, press release at the 1996 APS meeting
  • Science News, 151 (1997), page 256
  • Nature, News and Views, 375 (1995), pages 356-357
  • Physics World, May (2000) 3
  • Physical Review Focus story December 5 2003.
  • European Journal of Physics highlight April 2012


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