Saša J. Mächtig
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Saša J. Mächtig je eden pomembnejših industrijskih oblikovalcev v Sloveniji. Leta 1984 je s kolegi vzpostavil študij oblikovanja na novoustanovljenem Oddelku za oblikovanje na Akademiji za likovno umetnost Univerze v Ljubljani. Za prispevek k razvoju mu je Univerza v Ljubljani podelila naziv zaslužnega profesorja. V svoji večplastni vlogi profesorja, oblikovalca in arhitekta je vodil številne interdisciplinarne skupine za razvoj novih proizvodov in sistemov. Pomembno se je uveljavil v mednarodnem prostoru, zlasti v izvršilnih odborih strokovnih združenj; med njegovimi najpomembnejšimi dosežki pa je bila organizacija 17. svetovnega kongresa ICSID v Ljubljani leta 1992.

Saša J. Mächtig is a luminary of Slovenian industrial design. One of the founders of the Design Department at Ljubljana's Academy of Fine Arts in 1984, he was awarded the title Professor Emeritus by the University of Ljubljana for his contribution to the development of the discipline. In his multiple roles as a professor, designer and architect he headed numerous interdisciplinary groups for the development of new products and systems. Mächtig was also active in the international sphere, particularly in executive boards of professional associations. Amongst his achievements is the organisation of the 17th ICSID world congress in Ljubljana in 1992.


flag Opening and award ceremony
as presenter at  BIO 50: 24th Biennial of Design, Ljubljana,
together with: Maja Vardjan (presenter), Jan Boelen (presenter), Cvetka Požar (presenter), Lilijana Madjar (presenter), Janez Škrabec (presenter), Matevž Čelik (organizer),