Wendy Gordon
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According to Wendy Gordon, our legal environment must cultivate the exchange of ideas, expression and information for everyone -- not only established players in various industries. Her writings reflect her passion for creative exchange. Renowned for her application of philosophy and economics to copyright and related common-law areas and for her work on fair use, she has published on four continents, received numerous honors and grants and speaks to audiences all over the world.

Her favorite audience, however, is her students. The recipient of a teaching award, Professor Gordon most recently developed a new course, Copyright and Rhetoric. Co-taught with a master Shakespearean actor, this new seminar explores how copyright debates are influenced when policy, presentation, logic and language all interconnect.

Professor Gordon’s honors include serving as a Fulbright scholar, a visiting senior research fellow at Oxford’s St. John's College, a resident at the Rockefeller Foundation retreat in Bellagio, a visiting fellow at Oxford’s Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy and as the recipient of a New Jersey Governor's Fellowship in the Humanities. Her scholarship has been cited in three opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court. She recently completed her second term as the Chair of the AALS Section on Intellectual Property.


flag Copyright, Fair Use, and the Cultural Commons
as author at  MIT Communications Forum,
together with: William C. Uricchio (moderator), Gordon Quinn, Hal Abelson, Pat Aufderheide,