Ana Lazarevska
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Ana Lazarevska is currently working on her PhD in the field of implementation of projects under the Kyoto Protocol in accordance with the flexible Clean Development Mechanism, whereby the Multicriteria Decision Making theory can be implemented for project assessment on sustainability or otherwise.

She is affiliated to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University “Sv. Kiril i Metodij”, Skopje, as a teaching and research assistant. As part of the JICA Programme, in 2004 she has been part of the joint JICA/UNIDO one month training programme CDM/JI in SEE conducted in Japan, and consequently she has become a member of the Macedonian JICA Alumni Association, where currently is a member of its Executive Board.

Since Nov 2005, she holds the position of the Executive Secretary to the CIRKO Climate Change and Energy Technologies. Starting from Dec 2007 till Apr 2008 she will realize a study visit at the Technical University in Braunschweig, Germany, which stay is funded in part by the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst – German Academic Exchange Service) re-invitation programme and the project SFB 477.


flag The potential CDM project activities in Macedonia
as author at  Conference on Climate Change: An Opportunity for Growth, Brdo pri Kranju 2007,